Support Forum

I've found a solution to this which I think is OK
This is how you manage to have Forum Ranks displayed as text for standard members, and then badges without text for your moderators and you - the administrator:
I inserted these lines in the /forum-themes/my-theme/templates/topicView.php
sp_PostIndexUserLocation('tagClass=spPostUserLocation spCenter');
Insert these lines after the code above:
sp_PostIndexUserRank('tagClass=spPostUserRank spCenter&showTitle=1' ); sp_PostIndexUserMemberships('tagClass=spPostUserMemberships spCenter&showBadge=0&showTitle=0'); sp_PostIndexUserSpecialRank('tagClass=spPostUserSpecialRank spCenter&showTitle=0');
And before:
sp_PostIndexUserPosts('tagClass=spPostUserPosts spCenter', __sp('Forum Posts: %COUNT%'));
And in the forum-admin --> Components --> Forum Ranks i made two new Special Forum Ranks:
Uploaded the badges from the box below the Special Forum Ranks:
Then in the box at the top of Components --> Forum Ranks I made a whole bunch of new ranks, which are meant for the standard members, like "New Member", "Full Member", "Silver Member" and whatever way you choose to rank your members..
Never mind the strange language it's Norwegian..
But I think that's about it.. hope it can help someone - who is just as terrible at PHP as myself :p
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