Support Forum

Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to set up the RSS feeds?
I've added feeds from two different subforums within the forum, but after I posted a test topic, it's not showing up in the feed. The title of the feed in Feedly is showing as "feed/problem-with-post-edit-buttonttp://thecopywriterscoach....", which doesn't look right either.
Thanks for any help you can give.
set up an rss feed? you don't set them up... they are done by us...
all feeds will be http://....
and every forum view (group, forum, subforum, topic, etc) has a link to the available rss feeds for the forum... you should be able to just copy the url/link and paste it into any ready...
caution if you have private forums... we have feed keys for private forum so users can authenticate to read the feed... if you are not using private forums, you can turn off the feed key... if using them, you will need them in feed readers or else you wont get access... feed keys are unique to each user...
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