Support Forum
Assuming you have confirmed that the WishList Tags plugin is the culprit then I am afraid there is not much we can do to help - this really needs to go to the tags plugin author. I really do not understand why this was not corrected months ago when we worked with them to diagnose and fix the issue. To be honest - it was so long ago I am not even sure of what the problem is now although I can search through my old mail backlog!
But is my assumption correct - that the tags plugin is the problem area?
Hi Yellow Swordfish,
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that the Wishlist Tags plugin is *solely* responsible for preventing the MCE editor from working. I disabled all of the Wishlist plugins in use on the site -- Wishlist Content Control, Wishlist Directory and Wishlist Tags -- but I'm still not able to add a new topic or post to the forum if the MCE editor is enabled.
So if the Wishlist Tags plugin is, indeed, causing the conflict, it is not the only thing causing the conflict.
Any thoughts on what else might be the issue or where I should look next?
Thank you.
what about the rest of your plugins? have you tried with them disabled?
if that doesnt help, try a temp switch to the wp default theme too and see if any better...
just temp switches to collect more data...
I dont suppose you are running the wp 3.9 version yet and our 5.4.2? both were release today and wp completely redid and replace tinymce so might be worth a try too...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Since upgrading just now I'm also having this problem with tinyMCE .. I don't have any wishlist plugins so it's not that.
I do have a bunch of other plugins - but this has only started happening since I upgraded SP.
UPDATE: I just tried disabling all plugins and the issue remains. I hope this isn't a genesis thing again!
I really do have to ask this... but can we safely assume you ARE now running this under WordPress 3.9?
I doubt a Genesis problem... Steve uses Genesis on some other sites and would have surely noticed.
What about other plugins that may add something to TinyMCE (in the admin write blog post for example). Anything like that active?
And have you tried clearing your browser cache because as Steve has pointed out - WP3.9 along with SP5.4.2 has changed a very large amount of JavaScript.
Any chance you could sign me up so that I can take a look at, say, a new topic page?
If so please PM credentials to both myself and to 'Mr Papa'. Please include in the PM a link to your site, a link to this thread and brief reminder of the problem. And one of us will take a look for you.
LeoS: Thanks for the confirmation. I believe it is fine for the vast majority.
For anyone else then please:
- Do make sure you have updated ALL SP plugins AFTER WP3.9 and SP5.4.2 are updated.
- Do make sure to clear your browser cache afterwards as a lot of scripts have been changed.
- If you are using our 'Mentions' plugin - deactivate it and try the editor again.
if after these steps it still does not function then come on back and report it here. But it might be that the only way to diagnose this will be to haver site access...