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OK - first up - sorry this has happened. I would really like to know why as this is not something I remember having to do before now. Either an upgrade works OK or errors with a message so this is somewhat strange!
Still - I am getting close I think. Can you make one other check for me in the data?
This time the table is 'sfauths' and we need to check one row of data. For the row with the 'auth_name' of 'view_email' can you tell me what the value is n the 'auth_desc' column? I am hoping it is 'Can view email and IP addresses of members'.
OK. You may want to make a database backup before we do this. It is always recommended of course.
This is not a 100% perfect solution but it should be close. As long as it works this time of course!
- Go to the forum admin > toolbox.
- Over on the right in the main toolbox panel in the 'Modify Build Number' enter a number of 9500.
- Turn ON the option to Force upgrade to build number.
- Click on Update Toolbox.
- Select any forum menu and you should be directed to an Upgrade screen.
- Run the Update - hopefully to the end!
- Re-check the 3 questions asked here (2 in one post and 1 in another) to see if the answers are now correct.
- Let me know if all is well and we can take the next step
This is quite disturbing. It is almost as if you have no rights to make database changes but you must have had to enable installing the plugin in the first place. And when we sort this out that will still leave future updates with a question mark over them.
Are you running any sort of http authentication system on your server? Or any sort of special security layer on your database (for example)?
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