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i tried running the update again and got the following errors this time
[31-Jul-2013 10:36:43 UTC] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant SF_USE_PRETTY_CBOX - assumed 'SF_USE_PRETTY_CBOX'
[31-Jul-2013 10:36:44 UTC] WordPress database error Unknown column 'keywords' in 'field list' for query SELECT wp_2_sftopics.forum_id, forum_slug, forum_name, forum_status, group_id, topic_count, forum_icon, topic_icon, topic_icon_new, forum_desc, forum_rss,
forum_rss_private, parent, children, forum_message, keywords,
wp_2_sftopics.topic_id, topic_slug, topic_name, topic_status, topic_pinned,
topic_opened, wp_2_sftopics.post_id, wp_2_sftopics.post_count FROM wp_2_sftopics JOIN wp_2_sfforums ON wp_2_sftopics.forum_id = wp_2_sfforums.forum_id WHERE wp_2_sfforums.forum_id=3 ORDER BY topic_pinned DESC, wp_2_sftopics.post_id ASC LIMIT 0, 12 made by require('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wp-includes\template-loader.php'), include('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\churchope\page.php'), get_template_part, locate_template, load_template, require('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\churchope\loop.php'), the_content, apply_filters('the_content'), call_user_func_array, sp_render_forum, sp_process_template, sp_load_template, include('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wp-content\sp-resources\forum-themes\default\templates\spForumView.php'), sp_this_forum, spForumView->__construct, spForumView->sp_forumview_query, spdbComplex->select, spdb_select
[31-Jul-2013 10:36:44 UTC] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant SF_USE_PRETTY_CBOX - assumed 'SF_USE_PRETTY_CBOX'
[31-Jul-2013 10:36:44 UTC] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant SF_USE_PRETTY_CBOX - assumed 'SF_USE_PRETTY_CBOX'
not sure about the pretty checkbox one - its not an error just a notice and annoyance but we will try to get rid of the notice...
but the missing keywords column is of concern... can you look in your database, the sfforums table and verify that you have or do not have a keywords column in there? that was added via update some time ago... not sure how you would have missed an update... and oddly had one other user with same issue yesterday... he upgraded from a quite older version - dont remember on you...
if the column is missing, it will need to be added via phpmyadmin or other db tool... you can get the structure of the column from simple-press/sp-startup/install/sp-install.php
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Steve - we've been through all of this earlier in the thread and it is more than just this one column. The update from the 5.1.x original to the 5.2.6 is failing - simple as that. No script errors or anything. Best to just read the thread actually.
I am wondering at the moment if this might be an IIS issue.
so you are on top of the SF_USE_PRETTY_CBOX one? thats not used anywhere in the current code or in 5.2.6... It was used in 5.1.4 where the upgrade was from which makes me wonder whether there really is 5.2.6 on the server... Even if the upgrade is failing, the code on the server should be correct...
Think I would reupload it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Still struggling to understand what can be wrong with this one. Something IIS related is a possibility. WordPress does not recommend IIS and I do know people have struggled with IIS WP sites before. But before we go anywhere near that can of worms! can you list me the WordPress plugins that are active? You can get that list from the forum admin > Toolbox > Environment panel.
which btw, is known to have issues with wp 3.6 until they update... but doubt that is a player here...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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