Support Forum
Hi. One of my users reported an issue with my forum. I've noticed it doesn't happen here, so might be to do with my site's setup. Any help you can offer would be gratefully received.
Near the top-right corner of the forum are three icons, one of which is "Most recent topics with unread posts". When clicked on, this opens a popup to take people to the threads with updates they haven't seen. So far, fine.
On my forum, when people click on those threads, the "X topics with unread posts" number updates accordingly, but the popup list doesn't change - it still shows the same list of topics, even if they've since been read. It seems to require a cache clearout to update.
I've noticed that the popup on this forum does update, so wonder if I've missed a setting somewhere. Can you advise please?
Most probably, yes. I believe the NextGen Gallery plugin relies on jQuery - it's quite a popular plugin so other site owners will likely encounter this when you come out of beta. Is there a workaround?
I'm not sure if any of my other plugins use jQuery - how can I check?
i wasn't meaning jQuery but specifically the jQuery ui dialog popup. I was really wondering if another plugin were using it but this is probably a red herring anyway.
Why an ajax call would be cached unless specifically coded for is a little beyond me to be honest. One thought - what browser is this and is the result the same in other browsers?
I've tried it on two PCs, using Chrome, Safari and Firefox, and it does it every time. I'm not sure which browser was being used by the person who originally reported it to me. My Mac is out of service at the moment so I can't check on that.
Nothing is pre-moderated. Anything people post goes up automatically. I'm a mod and administrator, but the other person is just a user with basic posting rights.
If you'd like a password to take a look at the setup let me know and I'll PM it to you.
Sorry, I'm not sure what that means.
I'll try disabling plugins one by one to see if there's a conflict. If there is I'll report back.
I doubt there is a conflict issue with a plugin unless something IS caching ajax calls which is doubtful.
What I was meaning is that I don't see this behaviour so I could do with knowing the exact circumstances under which it happens. Not an easy thing to come up with I realise.
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