Support Forum
i use a grid hosting on MDD: on their faq http://problem-with-post-edit-.....en#welcome they say:
Not Supported by Grid Hosting
The following are not supported:
- Access
My problem comes from that ?
Well it is hard to tell what they mean by that but if they mean that you can not access or change your database in any way then personally I would consider that as outrageous and wouldn't want to go near them. It is common practice with all hosting I have ever encountered to have full access and permissions to, what is in fact, the database you are paying for.
You will still have to ask them what that means exactly however.
From my Host support:
You have the rights to add and edit your database tables through phpMyAdmin.
phpMyAdmin lets you view and modify a database. You can change database values, run queries, and create, view and modify your database structure.
From them, i have full permissions. I don't understand because i always use simple-press (V3 and V4) without problem: install, upgrade, ....
You have a solution ?
solution to what? dont know of problem yet... still need to understand what is going on with your server...
anything in server error logs?
view and modify is fine, but does your mysql user account have alter table permission?
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