Support Forum
Updated WP to 4.3 and tried to install upgrade
Getting an Upgrade aborted message:
Upgrade Aborted
current build: 13000
Notice: Undefined index: forum-images in /home/selfdire/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-startup/site/sp-site-constants.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: forum-images in /home/selfdire/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-startup/site/sp-site-constants.php on line 62
{"status":"success","type":"upgrade","section":13001,"response":"Build upgrade section 13001 executing. Status: success
Cannot access any SP functions
No help unless I paid (which I did) wrong way to run a business.
mmm a second user with the problem. Bi=ut oddly most do not have it.
I am still trying to work out what this issue is but we can get you around it if you are able and willing to make a small edit to code.
Basically iof you could comment out those two lines in that file referred to in the notice - perform the update and then uncomment them then you should be fine.
For reference the two lines are:
if (!defined('SFFEATUREDDIR')) define('SFFEATUREDDIR', SF_STORE_DIR.'/'.$spPaths['forum-images'].'/'); if (!defined('SFFEATUREDURL')) define('SFFEATUREDURL', SF_STORE_URL.'/'.$spPaths['forum-images'].'/');
Would that be possible?
And I suddenly realise why you have the problem but the majority do not, It is down to the way your php error reporting is configured and both we and just about everyone else would strongly recommend you change it. It is considered bad practice to allow Notices and Warnings to display to the screen on a public website - (which is what is happening). Your host should be able to turn this off for you and be more than willing to do so as it can disclose server paths to people using the website.
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