Support Forum
Hi I have a user that wrote in today saying...
"I'm trying to upload a signature graphic that's a 500x200 .jpg file and only 123 KB. I'm getting this error message:
tinymce is not defined
OlioFireSig-2.jpg: Error 999 – Unknown server error (check image size – may be exhausting memory)"
Any ideas what could be going on here? I'd send a link but it's a private forum in a paid membership area. I tried to check the signature settings to see if I had a size limit that was under this but I can't find that section
can you check the server error log? basically the server never responded to the request, so it timed out and we could just output a message...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi, sorry, I was traveling and needed some time to look into this. I just went through the process myself and get the same error when trying to upload an image for the sig. It will let me add html for the sig so long as the image is already hosted somewhere, it just won't let me upload an image. Server is not having any issues. Any ideas?
well your initial message was pre wp 3.9 and sp 5.4.2... have you upgraded to the latest versions (definitely wont get tinymce not defined message)??
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
and you are getting a tinymce not defined error? not sure how that is possible...
as to the 999 error, did you confirm you werent running out of memory? how big was the file being uploaded?
another possible cause for your server to stop responding is that the php temp upload directory is not defined.. can you verify it in your php.ini?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I'm not that tech savvy so i don't understand the second part of your response, but yes, the error I get says:
"tinymce is not defined
OlioFireSig-2.jpg: Error 999 – Unknown server error (check image size – may be exhausting memory)"
There is definitely enough memory on the server. it's on a private server and I am way below my limits. I have tried it with other images, all very small standard banner images.
I don't understand the php temp upload directory possibility. Can you walk me through how to figure that out? If it helps I can email you a password so you can login yourself. Just don't want to post it publicly.
please see: for the latest on this...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi, am I looking at the right thing? That looks to be a discussion about the edit option not appearing. Mine appears, but it just wont let me upload an image. I can upload images in posts, just not in sigs. I get the mentioned error message. If it helps, I can use the sig, but I have to add html code and host the image elsewhere.