Support Forum
I've got a membership site running WishList Member, with Simple:Press forum installed. I have two paid user groups that are supposed to have exclusive access to special forums. I'm using WP Role Manager plugin to set user roles that are synced to the membership levels in WishList Member, as follows:
The membership levels are:
TimeToGlow2012 members
TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle members
TimeToGlow2012 members are set with a membership level inside WL Member called TimeToGlow2012, with a WP user role called TimeToGlow2012, and as a result they SHOULD have access to a forum called Time to Glow 2012, which has a permission set called TimeToGlow2012 set with standard access to this Time To Glow 2012 forum.
TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle members are set with a membership level inside WL Member called TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle, with a WP user role called TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle, and SHOULD have access to the ABOVE forum (TimeToGlow2012 forum), AND a forum called Inner Circle 2012. BOTH these forums include permission sets for the TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle user role set to STANDARD ACCESS.
I hope this makes sense.
Here's the problem:
Logged in TimeToGlow2012 members do not all have access to the Time to Glow 2012 forum -- even though the settings, permission sets, etc. should let them see the forum, the forum does not even appear for them.
Logged in TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle members cannot see the Inner Circle forum, even though the settings are set so that they should! In fact, only I, logged in as admin, can see that forum!!!!
Help! I've given homework to my Inner Circle members to post inside the Inner Circle forum, and my poor members are so confused, because that forum doesn't even exist for them!!!
NOTE: In testing and troubleshooting, I created a test forum (titled, creatively enough, "TEST FORUM"), to mimic the Inner Circle 2012 forum that nobody but me can see. I tried setting the permission set for the TimeToGlow2012 user group to Read Only Access to see if that made a difference. Logged in with my test Inner Circle 2012 account (with Inner Circle access) I can now see the TEST FORUM, but cannot post to it. This is strange, because Inner Circle members are set to have STANDARD ACCESS to this TEST FORUM, while Time to Glow 2012 members are set to have Read-only access.
Meanwhile, logged in with my test Time to Glow 2012 account, I cannot view EITHER the Time to Glow 2012 forum OR the Inner Circle forum, NOR can I see the new TEST FORUM.
It seems as if the permission sets are affecting *different* user groups from the ones they are supposed to affect.
Here are some test accounts so you can see for yourself:
Inner Circle 2012 member (should have access to BOTH the Time to Glow 2012 forum AND the Inner Circle forum, but ONLY sees the Time to Glow 2012 forum):
username: test
password: t3st
Time to Glow 2012 member (should have access to the Time to Glow 2012 forum, but NOT the Inner Circle forum, but is instead seeing NEITHER forum):
username: test3
password: t3st
Thanks for your help.
More info:
I created a new user role called "IC", as a duplicate of the TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle role (my top-level user role, which should have access to ALL forums).
I created a new WishList Member membership level, also called IC, set to the IC user role.
I created a new member, to test.
I ALSO created a new global permission set, granting the IC user role Standard Access to ALL forums.
STILL, when my new IC user is logged in, they are DENIED access to both the Time to Glow 2012 and the Inner Circle forums.
I even tried pasting the URL for the forums in question into my browser, when logged in as a test user, and in all cases I got the following message:
"Access denied - you do not have permission to view this page"
Help! The users DO have permission to view this page, so I don't understand why they are being denied access.
More info:
I did a search of my S:P members by clicking on the "Members" link inside my S:P forum, and discovered that TWO of my Inner Circle members are listed as Inner Circle members inside my S:P member list.
ie, here:
One of these members has been able to post in the Inner Circle forum, so YAY -- this is good!
Here's the weird thing: THAT member is ALSO shown as a "Member" (default usergroup) AND a "TimeToGlow2012" member in addition to being an "Inner Circle" member -- and this despite the fact that in WishList Member I REMOVED the Member and TimeToGlow2012 membership levels from her membership (because I thought being in multiple membership levels might be interfering with members' abilities to access the private forum).
It seems that WishList and S:P are not communicating with each other, because there are two OTHER Inner Circle members (who are set as Inner Circle members inside WishList, with the corresponding TimeToGlow2012InnerCircle WP role), but these two are NOT appearing as Inner Circle members inside my S:P member list.
The fact that they are not listed as Inner Circle members inside my S:P member list would explain why they are unable to see the Inner Circle forum. Now the question is how do I set them AS Inner Circle members inside S:P??? They are already set as Inner Circle members inside WishList Member, but that has obviously done nothing.
Any suggestions?
I figured out that somehow the users who were not able to view the forums they were SUPPOSED to have access to had somehow not been set to the appropriate usergroups inside S:P.
Once I figured this out, I went into S:P Forum > Users > Member Information and checked to see what Memberships each user was set to. For the users that did NOT have a Membership in the denied forums, I clicked to view their profile, then clicked to edit their profile to ADD the missing Membership inside their Usergroups tab (which I had to "show" via the Profiles > Profile Tabs & Menus tab inside S:P forum admin, since I had it hidden.)
UPSHOT: The disaster is temporarily fixed. HOWEVER, I still don't know why my members were inappropriately kept OUT of Memberships/Usergroups that they should have been automatically put IN to, via WishList Member. It appears S:P and WL Member are not communicating correctly with each other.
At the moment, with a very small membership community, setting Memberships by hand inside S:P forum admin is doable, but this would NOT be very feasible with a large community (which, of course, I hope to grow mine into!)
Any help you can offer would bo soooooo appreciated! I will also post this to the WishList support forums.
Thank you.
wow, lots of posts!
have you read codex help on membership configuration:
basically, you need to have a wishlist level per wp role... then map the wp role to sp usergroup... and control access to forums via the sp usergroup and a permission set...
wishlist and simple press work great together out of the box - its what we use here...
please note, that the auto mapping only works for new members... you will have to do as you did for existing members... SP 5.1 will include a new feature that allows you to enforce (if you will) the mapping at any point on all members with the click of a button...
please review the codex and let me know if you still have issues if you have it configured correctly...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes, as I wrote in my (admittedly wordy) posts above, I set everything up exactly as you said I should. The problem is that WishList Member and S:P and WP User Roles plugin do not seem to be communicating correctly, so members (new!) who are supposed to have access to private forums are being denied access until I go into S:P forum admin and add them by hand.
I wrote EVERYTHING that was happening as clearly as I could above. It's all there.
Thanks for any additional help you can provide.
okay, I have reread the above... an nowhere does it same you actually went to forum - options - member settings and connected the mapping of your wp roles to the sp usergroups... which is why I have asked if things are configured correctly...
we do have hundreds of users using wp, wishlist and sp together with this all working fine... so we just need to figure out what is going on locally for you... hence again, my questions about confirming the set up...
so please confirm that...
and then if you want to shoot me a temp account with wp admin and sp admin caps, I can take a closer look... understand if that is not doable...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks, Mr. Papa. And yes, I already had those settings in Forums > Options > Member Settings set correctly. Screenshot attached.
Are there some other settings that I'm not aware of? Something is clearly not communicating correctly, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's user error, but I'm damned if I can figure it out!
are you using forum ranks which can also change a members usergroup?
and now, with it all set up, if you create a user from the wp admin, and give it the desired wp role, what usergroup does that user end up in?
for this test, dont worry about wishlist level because the ONLY thing wishlist has to do with this is give the user the wp role.. there is no communication per se between wishlist and sp... doesnt need to be... we communicate with wp... and when user gets a wp role, they should get an sp usergroup...
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