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SimplePress 5.2.6
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I (well, ok, ok, hubby really) noticed something strange.
In the screenshots below, the logged on user is someone besides Lucas, has the Limited Access permission set associated to the Limited Access user group, can't see the text in Lucas's reply itself, but can quote it and see.
Ideally, for our intended use, non-admin/mod/Lucas users with limited access would not be able to see Lucas's post at *all* much less be able to quote it and see the content of the his post.
In all other ways, the permissions I have set seems to be working just fine -- a user in the Limited Access user group can only see the one forum to which access for their group has been granted, the one topic that the forum has, can't start any new topics in the forum, can reply to the single topic, can see their own posts after they reply. Just this one oddity with the placeholder + quote-ability for other user's posts.
So, any idea what permission I missed or might have set incorrectly?
ah, well they shouldnt be able to quote it and see the content... will open a ticket and get that fixed...
but the other part, showing the empty content is by design.. we have thought about how not to show, but it gets really ugly and not effective... but can put it on list to think about..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I should add that you can add a message in the post blanked out as to why, encourage signups, etc...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

re: the quoting/seeing getting fixed ---- yay, thanks!
re: the having the placeholders for posts there by design --- yes please please put it -- to not display placeholders for posts (or topics, I just tried it with topics too) unless a user has permission to view that post / topic -- on the wish-list for consideration. From a privacy perspective, even being able to see the placeholder, custom message or not (which I added btw, thanks), will be a no-no for us since the placeholder gives the user name, picture if applicable, url, etc information. So now I'm off to rethink how this will all work for our particular needs.
Happy Friday Everyone!
its added to the list for consideration...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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