Support Forum
These errors show up once per topic for each forum. The content loads up fine, so it almost seems like the warning is unnecessary. I checked, and wp_debug is turned off, so I'm not sure why we're seeing these warnings/errors.
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array,string given in/usr/problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/ivyworldwide/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simplepress/forum-view-class.php on line 364.
Suggestions, please!
A bizarre coincidence but this is the second time these last few days when we have seen what is an illogical warning as the array in question is checked for it's veracity which should nullify any further attempts to read it. An you are right - regardless of it being illogical - it is simply a warning.
So also for the second time I strongly recommend that you turn off warnings being displayed - as the php.ini file itself states - warnings and notices should be turned off for production sites. Turning off wp_debug wont do it. It needs to really be in the ini file.
However, I will strengthen the code even though it is is illogical and get it into the next update.
Also interesting is that we have no other reports of this... Very curious.