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What happens to the users when SP forums are moved to a new blog site??
Portland, OR
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 27, 2014 - 12:33 am

Hey all,


So I'm running my test forum right now on one of my WP blogs, but the forums will be migrated to a new page within a couple of weeks. As far as I can tell, THAT will be pretty straightforward to do... the problem is what happens to the users!! I posted that question on the WP forums because registration is through WP itself, of course, and I don't know what I'm going to hear back from that source. But... something that occurred to me is that I don't know what will happen with forum posts, Mycred points, all of the things associated with the users themselves like profiles and avatars, etc etc etc etc!! Eek. Do the users need to be somehow transferred to the new site in order for any of the SP-associated things to transfer?


If I can find out right now, then I'll know where to go with this. If the users DON'T transfer at all, then I'll only allow a very very limited number of people to register on the test forums, just a few mods and admins who will help to shape the community before we let anyone else register. And I'll let them know ahead of time that they'll need to re-register.


But it does seem like there must be a way to do this!! otherwise, I don't see how transferring a forum to another site would work at all...


All advice muchly appreciated! :)



Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 27, 2014 - 1:12 am

new page?  or new site?  assume the page is within the same wp install?

but yes, simple press is a plugin for wp which handles the users... and as you indicate, sp is very dependent upon the users in wp... if the users are not where ever you are moving, posts wont be associated with users...

Portland, OR
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 27, 2014 - 10:54 pm

Mr Papa said
new page?  or new site?  assume the page is within the same wp install?

but yes, simple press is a plugin for wp which handles the users... and as you indicate, sp is very dependent upon the users in wp... if the users are not where ever you are moving, posts wont be associated with users...

Well... it's not exactly in the same install... I have a number of sites with different domain names through Dreamhost; they're all on the WP platform. so the URL of the new site will be different. PLEASE PLEASE tell me that the forums themselves can be transferred to a totally new site on WP! (is afraid) That's what I thought... and I HOPE I'm right...


I'm going nuts trying to figure out how to transfer the users in WP, and honestly, I think that someone more tech-y is going to have to come along and take care of this entire site if they want it to happen. What I CAN do is to keep more than a few people from registering on the old site, and just warn them that they will need to re-register. But then... assuming that the forums CAN be transferred to the new WP site... what exactly happens to the old posts? Are they still there? Do they exist, but they're just not linked to the same users?


Thanks for any and all advice!! I'm trying to run this entire thing by myself, and it's a lot to handle...



Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 28, 2014 - 12:13 am

yes, the users will have to be moved too...  simple press does not have any users - we just use the users from the wp install...  so if you move the users, you can move the forums...  to move the users, you really just need to move the wp users and usermeta tables...  you need to ensure that the user id's remain the same...

Portland, OR
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 28, 2014 - 1:35 am

Mr Papa said
yes, the users will have to be moved too...  simple press does not have any users - we just use the users from the wp install...  so if you move the users, you can move the forums...  to move the users, you really just need to move the wp users and usermeta tables...  you need to ensure that the user id's remain the same...

I don't think I can handle this. I really don't. It's just too much. I'm doing EVERYTHING on multiple sites, and I just can't keep going crazy over this... I'm going to end up in a padded room... Nobody has posted yet on the forums on the test site except for me because I haven't taken new registrations yet. I can make it work without moving posts-- I can copy and then re-create my own posts. If I DON'T move any users, can the forums themselves just be moved to a new site and new WP domain? I'm going to have a nervous breakdown if I don't figure something out here.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 28, 2014 - 1:42 am

If you just move the forums, you risk lots of problems... As I stated, the forums are completely tied to the wp users in the site where the forum is - we are just a plugin for wp... So if you move just the forums, all posts will suddenly revert to being from guests... that might be okay, but they really still have a user associated with them... so as new users are added to the new site, they will suddenly start inheriting posts (based on the user id)... wont be good...

another option, I guess, would be to go through manually on the old site, before transferring, and deleting each user from it... That way each post will permanently get changed to be from a guest... Then you could just move the forums...

you could also manually go through your db and change all user ids to guest (id of 0) and give them dummy guest name and guest email... but its not a minor or trivial task...

but bottom line, forum posts belong to wp users.... without wp users, not sure what you want to happen to the forum post...

Portland, OR
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 28, 2014 - 1:50 am

I'm a LITTLE calmer now... I think I'm just taking on too much, but I can't stop now!


Nobody at all has actually posted yet in the forums except for me. I can delete my own posts, save them in a text file, and then re-post them in the new version of the forums migrated to the new site-- if only the forums themselves can be moved to a new WP site. Basically, all I would have is the groups and forums I created, the icons I uploaded, the plugins I installed, the permissions I set for different groups, and so on. It would just be the framework of the forum. No users and no posts. Can this be transferred, and how would it be done?

Sawtry, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 28, 2014 - 5:50 am

Well, if nobody has posted except for you, I would probably do as Mr Papa has suggested. You will need to make sure all previous users are removed one way or another as outlined in his last post.

Would it not be easier to just do a fresh install and re-create permissions, groups, forums based on what you have already? Or do you have a large and complicated setup..

All the information in the forum such as groups, permissions, structure etc is kept in the database and this will need to be exported using something like phpmyadmin and brought over to your new forum as well as setting up a few things in the admin panel..

See this post for an idea. Although it looks daunting it shouldn't actually take that long.

Although I'm sure if there is a simpler way, Mr Papa will be able to outline that when he is on later, as I have never moved my test forum, only installed a copy along with a WP copy, which is different (but did also require some of these steps).

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 29, 2014 - 10:48 am

If you want to move your WP / SP site to another server or even a different domain name take a look at The  Duplicator plugin.

WP Dashboard, Plugins, Add New - search Duplicator.

 3-4 clicks to copy entire site, 3 -4 clicks to move entire site to new server.

Sawtry, UK
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 29, 2014 - 1:03 pm

Nice find. Not one I've used myself but worth noting!

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