Support Forum
Have enabled tags on the forums where you want them? since not everyone wants tags on all forums, you have to enabled on each forum... go to forum- forums - manage forums and edit to enable...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yea I am looking at the Simple Press Administration > Manage Groups and Forums > Edit Forum and I dont see anything that talks about Tags.
The only place that I see tags is on Wordpress itself when I go to add new, but this is for wordpress.
I am not sure why in Simplepress I dont see any place for Tags or any options??
any ideas?
need to look harder...
on forum - forums - manage groups and forums... edit each forum and where you want tags, enable tags on the forum...
it exists like that because not everyone wants tags on every forum so an opt in system is always better than an opt out...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World