Support Forum

Hi, on the normal forum.. on every post... any chance to show the username (@username) at the same time of the name the member display name?
on example, my user name here is @Sambora51 but my display name is Carlos, i would like to show both
¿Why? I have a large user with around 30.000 users... is quite difficult to made mentions if you dont know exactly the @username
thanks in advance
the latest version of the mentions plugin does that... will release when wp releases the v3.6 currently in beta...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
not a bug, but design... you MUST type in @user_nicename... you cannot use a display name because the regex to recognize (any where in a string) a space is very complex and expensive...
so if you use the popup and click a name, it handles it for you.. if you just type it manually, it had better be the user nicename...
if I am missing the point here, please elaborate further...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Check it here:
Step 1 ( user starts writing the name of mine @carlosasensio )
Step2: User clicks on the login name so appears the entire @carlosasensio
Step 3 : Click on save post and this is what appears...
So the link that appears doesn link to my profile and seems to be mention the other user too....
so the last image is what is shown on display after saving? and the image by step 3 was exactly as saved?
I will need to create an exact test case like this... couldnt duplicate it with similar, but best to use real data...
my plate overflow'ith, so might be few days... tweak me in couple days if you havent heard anything back...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, seems I can duplicate this now... so just need to figure out what is wrong... oh boy, more regex work!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
actually, this is not a simple press issue... its a BuddyPress issue... its parsing the forum post content and incorrectly doing the mentions...
this is because we properly change the @name to a link to the profile using the display name... but then BP comes along and dorks it up... take a look at the link to the Carlos name... it actually points to your buddypress profile... we dont do that...
so long story short, I cannot correct buddypress incorrectly doing mentions (it assumes the space in the link breaks the mention check)... but what I can look into is seeing if I can remove the hook from buddypress and keep it from checking our post content...
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