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Who's Online Plugin
Brandon Williams
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 26, 2016 - 10:03 am

Hello, I'm trying to get rid of the part on the very bottom of the page where it shows "Current members, Forum stats, Top posters, etc." I thought that was the Who's online plugin, but when I deactivated it, all that is still there. Can someone direct me to what I need to do to remove this? Thanks.

Sawtry, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 26, 2016 - 10:43 am

Hey Brandon,

The who's online plugin literally displays who is online in the footer, the rest is handled by the theme itself. So to remove, firstly you will need to set up a child theme if you've not already done so - You can download a free child theme framework for whichever forum theme you are using here.

Next you will need to take a few minutes to set up your child theme for your own use, you can read more about that here.

The SP theme you're using will determine what template you need to add to your child theme. For example:

- If you're using Barebones or Reboot, you will need to copy over the spFootDesktop.php from the parent themes templates > desktop folder to your child themes templates > desktop folder.

- If you're using one of the other themes you will just need to copy spFoot.php from your parent themes templates folder to your child themes templates folder.

The sections in the foot template you will need to look at are sp_AdminsList, sp_ModsList, sp_TopPostersStats, sp_NewMembers, sp_ForumStats and sp_MembershipStats. Also please note that in Unified the desktop and mobile template functions are part of the same template, so make sure you are looking at the section inside the if($spDevice != 'mobile') { check.

You can pick and choose which ones you want to remove as the names give away their purpose - For example you might want to leave sp_AdminsList and spModsList or you may want to remove them as well.

Lastly, when you know what you want to remove, make sure you also remove the columns that surround each object. The easiest way of doing this is to comment out instead of deleting by putting a hash (#) in front of each line i.e:

#sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spRight spTopPosterStats&width=15%&height=0');
#    sp_TopPostersStats('tagClass=spRight', __sp('Top Posters: '));

Hope that helps!

Brandon Williams
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 5, 2016 - 10:06 pm

All I want to do is remove the stuff from the footer. Will deactivating the plugin not be enough?

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 6, 2016 - 12:16 am

no, that plugin doesnt put it there...  you have to remove the template functions from your theme as Ike indicates...  in spFooter.php, at the bottom, you will find all the stats display...  cant be more specific since you werent, but you will see the functions and they are mostly explanatory and evident...just remove or comment out the ones you dont want...  be sure to do as Ike suggests and create a child theme...

Brandon Williams
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 9, 2016 - 3:38 pm

Ok, I'm using Reboot Child Framework theme. Do I need to go to the cpanel, or to my editor in Wordpress to do this? As stated before, I'm not a developer, so I need to know step-by-step as to where to go and what to do with certain things.

Sawtry, UK
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 9, 2016 - 5:59 pm

I've tried to give a detailed step by step above, at least as much as you should need. I've never used cPanel to edit site files so if it's possible I'm not familiar with the process I'm afraid. 

You can edit the spFoot.php template directly from the dashboard under Forum > Theme Editor, but first you will need to copy the spFoot.php template from Reboot to the child themes templates > desktop folder which can't be done within the dashboard. I believe you can do this using cPanels File Manager however.

So other than that information, the rest is still valid in post #2, although it might seem complex it shouldn't actually take long, and it's always worth being able to make small edits here and there via a child theme.

Brandon Williams
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 9, 2016 - 8:32 pm

What I'm referring to is the "you will need to copy over the spFootDesktop.php from the parent themes templates > desktop folder to your child themes templates > desktop folder."

This may seem elementary to you, but I have no idea what you're referring to right here. I get that a lot in this forum, and it's a little condescending at times honestly. Either way, I'd like to get some clarification on this. Thank you.

Ken Wilson
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 9, 2016 - 10:05 pm

Maybe give this a try:

The Simple:Press Codex has a page on Creating a child theme at :

Step 10 is about changing template files in a child theme.  Step 10B shows copying the 'spFoot.php' file from the "Default" parent theme to the child "DefChi" theme and then making modifications to the 'spFoot.php' file in the "DefChi" child theme.  It has some graphics showing a typical file structure.

Instead of going to the "Default" theme files structure to get a file to move to the child theme of the default theme, you would go to the "Reboot" parent theme file structure  at ...wp-content >sp-resources > forum-themes > reboot > templates > desktop and copy the 'spFootDesktop.php' file into the similar location within the file structure of your Reboot Child Theme.

Then open the 'spFootDesktop.php' file in the Reboot child theme and change it the way Ike has described in post 2 above.

Hope this sheds a little light on the process.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 10, 2016 - 3:38 am

Brandon Williams said
This may seem elementary to you, but I have no idea what you're referring to right here. I get that a lot in this forum, and it's a little condescending at times honestly. 

I feel I need to respond to this charge as I believe it to be, quite frankly, both unjustified and unfair. We go out of our way to try and help people and Ike, in particular, spends vast amounts of his time testing a custom change like yours before writing it up. We do our best.

The bottom line is that people who run their own websites - including ones running under WordPress - do actually need a little technical ability or need someone they can call on. If they are happy to accept the basic, default style of everything they install and the way things work then they can probably get away with it - until something goes wrong.

If, on the other hand, they want to make changes - as you clearly want to - then that does mean getting into the workings. As it happens, the changes needed for your request are simply a couple of file moves and a couple of text edits. Don't you do that all the time on your computer? Is this not common behaviour?

So yes - we probably always start from the point of view that the person we are talking to has some level of technical ability because website owners need some. When we discover this not to be the case we get as basic as we can - and we more or less did that above. We can not do this for you.

With respect - did you even look for the files in question? All the information needed to find them was there in the text of the post - the location, the name. Looking at the instructions and then following them - for most people - usually results in the realisation that actually, it was quite simple and easy. 

For those that really don't want to give it a go then we do also have a custom theme service that can be used. But I still think you don't need it if you actually just give it a go. And always remember, if you make a mistake and leave things broken then it is easy enough to replace the file.

Brandon Williams
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 10, 2016 - 3:38 pm

Yes, I did look at the files and found them easily. That was not my concern. I mentioned previously about the copying of the parent themes template to the child theme portion stated above. I move very cautiously because I hate making mistakes. My inference of the tone I receive at times was based on the assumption of knowing what some of these things mean. Unfortunately, I do not know many technical terms, or how to implement some of the suggestions without detailed instructions. Yes, you guys are very helpful and it is much appreciated, I just want the record to show that I will always ask detailed questions if I do not feel I am getting a detailed response. Hope this helps. Thank you.

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