Support Forum
I have searched the posts here and found some posts regarding Yoast's WP SEO but none (that I could find) seem to cover the same issue we're having.
I believe this to be a WP SEO issue, but not certain, so asking for your help too (contacted them as well), plus you guys are quite good.
We’re using Woo themes canvas, simple:press forum and wishlist member. Our SEO guy wants to use the Yoast WP SEO plugin as he uses it for other sites and reports that’s it’s quite good.
Anyway, installed it on our test site, as we have a membership site and test everything first, and when activating the plugin everything seems fine with the exception that the forum gets moved above the header instead of being inside the page like all the rest of the pages. Disabling the plugin returns the forum page to normal.
Any ideas on what I can do to resolve this?
13ubuntu3.9 on apache2
PHP 5.3.6
WP - 3.5.2
WL Member - 2.71 build 1440
Simple:Press – 5.2.6
I do have the ugly permalinks checked too.
forum - integration - page and permalink... the display options in there.. display in loop, display multiple or strict wp api..
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