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Is there a way to control the size of a You tube video I am sharing. I put the url for the you tube video and it works, but the size of the video on the post is so large. Is there a way I can control the size of the video I share in a post?
I am inserting the share url here to see what size it comes up in this forum...
think he might have meant this one:
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
hello i just fix my size issue when posting youtube videos on my post but the problem im having now is my whole post has the youtube link, what css code can i use to remove the link from the whole post, as you can see in the picture, under the youtube video i still have white space and the white space has a link to youtube
This is my site
how did you embed it??? oddly it has this styling from the embed
which is causing the white space and large link... wp does not add
this... and sp does not add this...
it appears you have a theme or another wp plugin that is impacting
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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