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I have set the simple-press option "Display profile information in" to "WordPress author page" instead of Forum profile page.
This is working everywhere on the forum except the adversaries tab page and having the PM plugin installed. When you click on the view profile button behind a contact name, a lightbox with the forum profile is loaded instead of taking the user to the WordPress profile page. Can this be fixed?
have made the fix tonight... but cannot release a plugin update since we have other private messaging updates awaiting the next version of sp...
but you can make the changes yourself if you like... within the pm plugin, in the forms subdirectory, find the files:
you will need to edit both... In the adversaries one, change
$site = SFHOMEURL."index.php?sp_ahah=profile&sfnonce=".wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah')."&action=popup&user=$adversary"; $title = esc_attr(__("View profile of this adversary", 'sp-pm')); $out.= "<a rel='nofollow' href='javascript:void(null)' class='spButton vtip' title='$title' onclick='spjDialogAjax(this, \"$site\", \"$title\", 750, 0, \"center\");'>"; $out.= '<img src="'.sp_find_icon(PMIMAGES, 'sp_PmUser.png').'" alt="" />'; $out.= __('View Profile', 'sp-pm'); $out.= '</a>';
$tmp = sp_attach_user_profile_link($spThisUser->ID, __('View Profile', 'sp-pm')); $tmp = str_replace("class='spLink", "class='spButton", $tmp); $out.= preg_replace("/>/", "><img class='spIcon' src='".sp_find_icon(PMIMAGES, 'sp_PmUser.png')."' alt='' />", $tmp, 1);
and in the buddies one, change
$site = SFHOMEURL."index.php?sp_ahah=profile&sfnonce=".wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah')."&action=popup&user=$buddy"; $title = esc_attr(__("View profile of this buddy", 'sp-pm')); $out.= "<a rel='nofollow' href='javascript:void(null)' class='spButton vtip' title='$title' onclick='spjDialogAjax(this, \"$site\", \"$title\", 750, 0, \"center\");'>"; $out.= '<img src="'.sp_find_icon(PMIMAGES, 'sp_PmUser.png').'" alt="" />'; $out.= __('View Profile', 'sp-pm'); $out.= '</a>';
$tmp = sp_attach_user_profile_link($spThisUser->ID, __('View Profile', 'sp-pm')); $tmp = str_replace("class='spLink", "class='spButton", $tmp); $out.= preg_replace("/>/", "><img class='spIcon' src='".sp_find_icon(PMIMAGES, 'sp_PmUser.png')."' alt='' />", $tmp, 1);
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
its not quite correct, but should work for now... the $spThisUser should be $spProfileUser I think for when you edit a users profile... but need to test that in the formal fix...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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