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I have one thought although this question is really for Steve (Mr Papa).
One quirk of OSX is that if you download a SECOND copy of a zip file it will create a new file with a 1 on the end etc. I also noticed on the screenshot that was posted a .DS_Store file on the server. This, as far as I am aware, is an OSX specific file.
I am wondering if this was, in some way, downloaded twice and the wrong zip uploaded along, perhaps, with some other unwanted flotsum...
Seth Riley said
Same issue uploading the 'image and file uploader plugin'
After installing the 'online plugin' I activated it and refreshed my forum page and I didn't see the online light as well.
Also I'm having trouble trying to upload an avatar to my profile even after I change the setting around. I set it up so users could upload the image from the forum page profile and it does show the uploader on the right of the avatar options.
Yes it happened again with 'image and file uploader plugin' So I need to fix it again.
I missed that post. Well I am glad we figured this issue out. I reinstalled the SP plugin with the original zip and I was able to install both plugins just fine.
Although the uploader doesn't seem to be working correctly and the online button is not there. Maybe this is just my settings but I have tried to mess with the avatar settings and the profile settings and still no options to upload a photo.
Is it possible for you to go in to my dashboard and see if everything is setup correctly?
We could communicate through skype if you had a little time to check it out. Let me know
It does appear that the who's online plugin is working just fine. I didn't realize I had to create a topic for it to show up.
I guess it's all just trial and error wen you are not that tech savvy.
Still trying to figure out how to upload a photo to my profile. If you have any info on that let me know. thanks for having patients with me guys!
lets step back... what are you trying to do with photo? are you really talking about a photo here? or an avatar? because out of the box, neither use the file uploader plugin for that...
in the upload options, you can choose to use the file uploader for photos instead of the standard html image capture... if you did mean photos, have you enabled that option?
if you meant avatar, that never uses the file uploader... just the standard html one...
so please explain in more detail what you are trying to do and what happens... worth checking forum - integration - storage locations and make sure all is okay there too...
as to online, not sure what you mean... it doesnt need a topic... the online would show up in the stats area like on our site as a link saying 'See All Online Activity'... are you not seeing that in your stats? if not, its possible your theme is not calling the template tag for displaying the link... our four provided themes do, but not sure if yours does... it would be in template file spFoot.php... though you could put it where ever you want... the template function is: sp_OnlinePageLink()... in our themes, its surrounded by a function exists check cause users may not have the plugin...
also, the ability for users to see the link is controlled by permissions... they must have permission to see online activity...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes I am talking about adding a avatar to my profile so when I post a topic my picture is on the left side.
I have setup the profile option and re-sized the picture size. this is profile options
Also these are my avatar setting currently
In my forum profile under edit avatar this is what I see I have tried uploading a 50x50 pixel picture to my avatar and nothing happened. even after I refresh the page.
okay... so it does not use the file uploader plugin...
did you check the storage locations? and what is happening? need some info...
and what do you have for avatar priorities on forum - profiles - avatars???
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