Support Forum
I just wanted to pass along that we have seen some confusion with the "Link" button on the bbcode bar. Seems that some users are not aware when clicking on the link button that after they submit the website link that it wants you to put the text for the link afterward and then click /link.
Possible changes for end user friendliness would a notification in the popup window of what the user should do next, or possibly a second input line in the popup window for "description" and have it auto close the tag after that (little more coding there I'm assuming).
Also, is there any plans in the works for a youtube or other embedding button?
Once again, thanks a million for all your hard work on this software. You guys are doing amazing things for small community organizations like ours.
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I don't mind taking a look at the bbCode editor but it isn't home grown written as it is based on the WordPress Quicktags editor. I do want to review ALL editors soon.
YouTube embed... just paste the raw YouTube url into the post editor.
The problem is that YouTube changed their default embed code not long back from an 'object' to an 'iFrame' and we believe it would be suicidal to allow iFrames in forum posts as that opens the gates to the most malicious attack possible. So while you can still use the older Object code in the post you can also now just paste the raw url. YouTube supports the oEmbed protocol and so does WP and SP.
Ah understandable, tried out just the raw youtube link and it just leave a link with no embedded video (I think that is what you meant). It's not a huge thing for us but it comes up more often then I'd like to say. Strange that youtube would go that route if there is such a security risk to it... then again they do sillier things all the time lol.
Lead site admin for
in the plugin... sp-resources/forum-plugins/quicktags-bbcode/library/sp-qtbbcode-filters.php... then in the function sp_BBCode2Html() you can see the support codes...
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