Support Forum
I just updated SP from 4.5.0 to 5.0.1
I have couple of problems, but i write there because me too, don't have the "Link to Forum" panel displayed anymore.
To answer your original questions :
The form you are referring to is still there just the same as it always was. If you are not seeing then I can think of three possible reasons.
One – on the blog linking admin options panel you do not have the option checked to show the forum in posts.
Two – it is being hidden by the posts page so take a look in the 'screen options' at the top to make sure.
Three – there may be another plugin also creating a component on the edit posts page that is in conflict in some way.
1) plugin is installed, and i can access its options from admin panel. Settings inside seems not changed.
2) into sreen option, there is no 'Link to forum" checkbox. Anyway all checkbox are checked.
3) well that s simple, 2 hours ago i had this panel displayed. I just updated the forum, and now : no more panel 🙂
Regarding acticles created before the SP update, the linking still working, i see the link at bottom of articles, and in forum topics, i still see the link to the article. I just can't link new articles, as i don't want link to be automaticly created, i need that panel to make choice.
Feel free to ask for any further informations.
I realise you have said above that you can see the settings and they appear not to have changed but please do check them once again. Are you sure that the option to 'Use linking on post type' options have been correctly set and that the 'post' setting has been turned on?