Support Forum
Hi there
Me again! :S
Error in code (SQL Sytntax)
generating extremely slow performance when creating the post - 25seg to load the post created page....
[Mon Jun 30 14:51:00 2014] [error] [client] Error ou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND post_index=1 /* From [] in [/' at line 1 de la base de datos de WordPress para la consulta UPDATE kagv_sfposts SET post_content='En Internet, nadie lee.
Escaneamos palabras, hasta pararnos y empezar a leer con mxc3xa1s atencixc3xb3n.
Escanear y leer son 2 ejercicios muy distintos.
O dicho de otro modo, las reglas de edicixc3xb3n de la literatura moderna o de los artxc3xadculos cientxc3xadficos son una cosa: justificado, regular, reglado, etc.
El arte de formatear posts que los usuarios van a terminar leyendo, otro ejercicio muy distinto: arquitectura de txc3xadtulos, listados, pxc3xa1rrafos cortos, etc.
Lo peor que te puede pasar es que nadie lea tus posts porque su formato de presentacixc3xb3n les repela.
Vamos, por ser aburrido.
Descubre cxc3xb3mo evitarlo.
<h3>#1 - Ver…</problem-with-post-edit-button3>' WHERE topic_id= AND post_index=1 /* From [] in [/nas/wp/www/cluster-2147/fsc55thinking/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-wpdb.php:209] */ realizada por edit_post, wp_update_post, wp_insert_post, do_action('edit_post'), call_user_func_array, sp_linking_update_blog_link, sp_update_blog_link, spdb_query, referer:
My host in WP engine, the one you recommend!
Waiting for a patch. I will now disable the plugin until it gets to work normally.
patch for what? need to identify any issue first... many thousands, including us, use the plugin regularly... so generally working... if you have uncovered something, just need to understand and investigate...
can you explain what you did that generated the error? what are you blog linking options in the forum? what options did you select on the wp edit post form when you created the blog post?
was this on the initial creation or did you edit the post? asking because the mysql syntax seems to be updating an existing post..
the more info, the better we can help... and btw, we dont recommend wp engine... they just happen to occasionally pay for an ad...
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