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currently, we can put some of our more common profile fields onto the buddypress profile... but afraid the opposite is not true...
are they standard buddypress profile fields? That is, stored in usermeta table? If so, you could use our custom profile fields to pull that information since it pulls things our of usermeta just like wp profile fields do...
barring that, you could hook into the profile display and manually grab (via code added to the template) the buddypress data and display it...
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By default WordPress creates extra profile data in the WP usermeta table with keys of the users ID and a unique 'name' of the data item. Many plugins we have encountered that add profile data use the same mechanism.
Simple:Press does the same for the extra profile data we create or make available.
If BuddyPress also uses this standard mechanism - and while I do not actually know if it does - it seems reasonable that it should do - then our custom profile field plugin can be linked to the data simply by creating a custom field of exactly the same name - i.e, the same 'key' as used by the parent plugin. This would allow for the data to also be edited on an SP users profile entry form.
The plugin also comes with template tags that allow the user to display the data on the SP profile popup/page - full details of which can be found in the custom profile fields codex page.
I went to sptopicview.php and there was no code there like what is on the codex page. I did find code like it in sptopicviewdesktop.php and I added the line to show the city. it worked, but the text was much larger and the custom avatar stopped displaying and it showed the guest one instead. I put everything back as it was. I am afraid I am not much with coding.....
thanks for the help!
I found this code in sptopicviewdesktop.php in the reboot theme (not the child)
sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spPostUserAvatar spCenter&context=user', $spThisPostUser);
sp_PostIndexUserName('tagClass=spPostUserName spCenter');
then i added the following:
# Added poster's game type selection to the forum post, poster information section.
if (function_exists('sp_CustomProfileFieldsDisplay')) sp_CustomProfileFieldsDisplay('City', $spThisPostUser->ID);
this line was listed in the directions but it was already there:
sp_PostIndexUserLocation('tagClass=spPostUserLocation spCenter');
after my first attempt failed I added it anyway, and it still didn't work right.