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Carlos said I have a dedicated server and have the WP memory up to 800m and still crashes... theres something there that frezzes up the site... one time again i offer my server to the admins to check what happens
I'm having the same problem Carlos. I have a question, are you using Cloudflare or using some sort of cache plugin?
Hi! i´m not using any plugin...
MrPapa i will prepare a "test" site replicating mine and give you total access with FTP and access... with no compromise... just for your tests and for the future of the plugin
okay... but no guarantee I will find anything... whats occurring is on the server side and I wont get to see any of that... with ftp, I might be able to narrow down the where, but not sure about the why since its pretty esoteric... your host really has the needed tools, but not much we can do if they wont cooperate...
accessing the error log is the other way to get some info, but might not be more than the memory error...
be curious if there was any long queries going on, but that again would be the host... or you via ssh and setting up mysql...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
So I have no cache plugin but use cloudflare. I shut everything off in cloudflare and it still doesn't work. I also raised the memory limit to 512m in wordpress and in my server which is media temple. Still doesn't work. So those two things have been ruled out. I've also tuned debug on and I get no error messages pertaining to the forum or the buddypress plugin for the forum. Whenever I install a plugin for the forum my page refreshes and then I activate the plugin. When this happens when I install the buddypress plugin after the page refreshes all of my content throughout the website disappears. The back end as well as the front end. Not my theme, just all of the content.
sorry, are you getting an error or no display? two different things... of course after an error, nothing would display... just trying to make sure I understand...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
sorry, are you getting an error or no display? two different things... of course after an error, nothing would display... just trying to make sure I understand...
Nothing displays. Then I go and turn debug on and there is no error pertaining to any sort of error for the plugin.
so you are not running out of memory... okay different issue than Carlos then...
so what are you settings in forum - integration - page and permalink for display options?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
so you are not running out of memory... okay different issue than Carlos what are you settings in forum - integration - page and permalink for display options?
WP Forum Page Details - Forum
Current permalink:
Integration Options
Filter WP list pages
Theme Display Options
Limit forum display to within WP loop
so is buddypress plugin active? guessing not since site working - but link doesnt help much like that but understand how you need your site up
how about a screenshot when issue occurs?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
so is buddypress plugin active? guessing not since site working - but link doesnt help much like that but understand how you need your site up![]()
how about a screenshot when issue occurs?
I will take a video today and post it so you can see what happens when I activate it.
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