Support Forum
Hey, Just discovered and installed this. Glad to see it, because I'm working on a community oriented site and I wanted to use Buddypress but without the simplepress integration, I thought it might be too confusing for my users.
I do have a suggestion if you're using the identities It would be nice to have an option to show them in the buddypress profile, as well as being able to edit them. at least the base identities. (facebook, twitter, google+, and website address. My reasoning is that if information is added (such as for users already registered) this information shows up as links when viewing a topic under the user avatar.
Else so far all seems pretty good.
Mr Papa said
yeah, unfortunately, nothing overtly for your issue which is still not understood - and lacking data from the host, may not be...
This error shows up over and over on the forum:
Notice: Undefined index: group in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 673 Notice: Undefined index: group in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 673
Would that have something to do with it?
MrsAngelD... I can consider that... if time before release, will look into... if not, will add it to our wishlist..
Kevin, that is not an error... its a notice... and not related to this at all... and the notice has been dealt with in th next version of SP already (which no one else successfully using the plugin has)...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
can you elaborate a bit on the issue??? am well aware of the difference in usernames with a space since mine has one
but I have not run into any issues going between the BP and SP using my account... so please expand on what you are doing and where the issue manifests itself...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ok say I have a user whose username is
Test User
I'm using buddypress profiles. Clicking on a user's avatar in the forum takes me to
which leads to a blank page because buddypress uses the following format when linking to their page
hope that explains it a bit better.
ah yes, that... well, it has nothing to do with this plugin...
in the simple press core, you must be assigning a user's avatar to their profile... and then having the profile link to the bp profile... so that would happen with or without this buddypress plugin...
and it exists like that because BP used to use the standard + (url encoding) but switched to the nonstandard dash... and there were more folks using the bp with + than with -... probably worth revisiting at this point and see if the majority of folks are now using the - vice the +... we do offer a filter so users can pick and choose themeselves... but will open a ticket and see if the time has come for a default change there... and if so, should be able to get it in the next update to simple press...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yes... us... we have 6500+ members... and thats where we develop and test it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Holy smokes I got it to work! For anyone else that may have this problem which is when I activated the plugin it would crash my website. The problem was in the database. I had duplicate tables (one was the table and one was the backup table) I deleted the backup tables and it worked. Don't need them anyway because I have Vault Press. So happy it works now