Support Forum
sorry, not following you... are you saying that our plugin is sometimes using the full size and sometimes the thumb?? if so, need more details on when and where...
or are you referring to something you need to solve?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
use buddypress name for what? in place of the wp display name? is it really different?
would have to think on it, but not sure that would be something for this integration plugin... we might need to make such a change in core... but would need to understand the differences first...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi! In Buddypress you can have any name, no matter if other user is using it too... I have a large WP forum and i would like to give that option to my users... (when they put a desired name always is on use by another user)
Buddypress is like a community, and SP is a part of my community... on facebook you can choose your name.. no problem if there are 5000 other users with the name "carlos" but actually on my config this it no possible...
If "we" are looking for a total integration with buddypress I think it would be great to have the same name shown....
That is my reasonement, I know every development takes hours of work... but I think it could be a great option to integrate buddypress with SO
thanks for all
Why would you want users with the same name? on facebook, they have a distinct account name you can see - not so much on a blog/forum...
what does bp use for a name?? sorry on travel and cant look at the code.. but do they have their own profile field and db storage for this name?
if so, this would probably have to be in core, not this plugin... the wp/sp display name is used throughout and probably not easily filtereable at plugin level...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
hi mr papa, thanks for your help!
about avatars :
check this thread and check avatars :
some avatars are good quality, some are resized from 50pix
no idea why I would like all avatars to be using the nice 150pix avatars
I tried all different settings about avatars queue preferences, resize yes/no
sorry, on travel... won't be. able to look until Saturday.. are they all in topic view?
no caching plugins?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
but you are not caching (with w3tc or varnish) the forum pages, right? since our content is all on single wp page, its dynamic... any attempts to cache it will yield unpredictable results... we cache internally where we can...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World