Support Forum
Hello !
I installed the buddypress plugin and translated it yesterday, like I already translated some other simple press plugins.
So I know how to do, I generated the .mo file, added _FR at the iend, and uploaded it with the other Simple press plugins translations.
But I have an issue with this translation : it doesn't work... All the terms stay in english !
I double checked that I put the file at the right place, tried to re-generate it, but no change.
Does someone has the same issue with this plugin ? How can I solve it ?
Thank you in advance !
Best regards
what is not translated?
I know Carlos is using the Spanish translation without difficulty...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
See below : they are still in english, but the rest is in French.
??? did you mean to upload a screenshot? are you sure we are not talking about text from BP?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
The translation website works on the basis that anyone can make translations but it requires a 'validator' to approve them so that they are accepted into the final builds of the MO file. For the BuddyPress plugin I see 117 translations made but none approved. This isnlt our idea by the way but the method that most of therse systems work!
If you would like to be upgraded to validator role for this project then we can do that - we just need your login name on the translation site which you could send us via our contact form at the top of the sidebar.
OK, I see ! Now I understand better why some translations that I completed in the past were still not completed
I would be glad to become validator and help you for the other translations, French is my native language, and I think I'm not so bad in english so you should not have problems with my translations.
Thank you so much ! I've just revised all the translations of Simple:Press + plugins and themes that I'm using in French, and all works perfectly.
If ever you heard about some french users who need some extra translations of validations, feel free to PM me if I can help !
Have a nice day