Support Forum
This is an odd one. I cannot change permissions for the sp-resources/forum-plugins directory, so I cannot install any plugins. FTP cannot write to the directory.
This happens with all FTP clients. I can modify the sp-resources folder, but not any folders inside that one.
My provider says everything appears fine on their side. I think it's still in their lap, but has anyone encountered this before?
Would a complete reinstall help? My forum is set up, but not active yet, so now would be the time to do it.
no, shouldnt be needed...
take a look at wp-content and get its permissions... sp-resources should be the same (as well as sub dirs)... also, look at the uid/gid and do a comparison...
on rare occasions, based on server settings, when the sp-resources directory is created, the wrong permissions and/or uid/gid get assigned...
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Some hosts wont allow 777, with good reason, and 775 folders is as it should be. Mr Papa could well be right that this is a conflict in the UID/GID which are the ownerships of the sp-resources folder and then hence it's child folders.
A decent ftp client should be able to tell you what the UID and GID are set to and once again - they should be the same as the parent wp-content folder. If they are not set to allow you ownership then you wont be able to change the permissions on them or - probably - write to them.
Personally this is what I would be asking my host to check and if they find either are incorrect, ask them to not only correct them but ensure you can create other folders in the future if needed. Quite a few WP plugins will add stuff to the wp-content folder - it is what it is for of course.
Problem is solved. The host did uncover some issues on their end (unspecified) and corrected them. That allowed me to access FTP normally and change permissions. The next problem was that during a "major update" to their OS, my plan was reset to the lowest disk quota, and transfers were blocked because I was deemed out of space. My plan was set back to where it should be, disk quota restored, and it appears all is well again.
The reason it appeared only the in SP directory is that is where I was focusing my attention. But in the end it wasn't an SP problem. (Which makes sense.)
ideally, wp-content, sp-resources and sub dirs under there should all be the same permission... if you have to use different, that likely means the ownership is wrong so check the uid/gid... again, they should match wp-content...
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