Support Forum
When I try to upload plugins for my SimpleForums with Transmit, I get the message: Error -140: remote mkdir failed.
I've tried to change the permissions from 755 to 777 (which it does not allow me to do).
Customers are asking for the ability to upload images, so I'm really looking forward to this. Thank you.
Sorry? can you explain the steps you did? that is not an error from us...
you cannot use the wp plugin installer for this...
you must upload sp plugins to the wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins (assuming you did not change the default) directory...
is that an ftp error you are getting? if so, would suggest checking the ownership (ie uid, guid) of sp-resources... on a few installs, server permissions have cause that directory to get created with the wrong owners... 0755 is the correct permissions normally... you can compare the ownership of wp-content to sp-resources...
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0755 is the permission, not the uid... would like to know the uid and guid (ie ownership)... would be something like user:user... and see if it matches that of wp-content...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Permissions are set correctly. However, I did notice that the Owner and Group fields are different. However, this folder does not let me change anything. Not the permissions, not the Owner or Group, and it doesn't even let me manually delete the folder to start from scratch (I know there are important files in there, I'm talking about reuploading that one folder).
It has me completely locked out for some reason, and I can't change any settings.
No it wont - because you are not the owner.
The very best thing to do would be to have a word with your hosting support. Ask them to (a) change the ownership of all these folders and (b) to set whatever needs setting so that any new folders created also belong to you. Then you wont have to go through this again.