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On the Simple:Press admin > Components > Login And Registration page there is a setting to turn on the Captcha spam check on your WordPress registration page. You can also turn off the math question there if you don't want to have both.
'look for activation email'?? is that the wp post registration status?
on forum - components - login and registration, have you specified to use the captcha the wp registration form?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
It is possible that if you are using a separate plugin to handle registration then it is ignoring the hook that the SP captcha plugin uses. This should not be the case if the registration plugin is coded using the proper WP API but we have seen other plugins that ignore it. So are you using such a plugin?
Yellow Swordfish said
It is possible that if you are using a separate plugin to handle registration then it is ignoring the hook that the SP captcha plugin uses. This should not be the case if the registration plugin is coded using the proper WP API but we have seen other plugins that ignore it. So are you using such a plugin?
Thanks for the prompt reply. I managed to put captcha function on the registration page using SI Captcha instead of SimplePress Captcha. Could be Buddypress ignoring the hook. Thanks.
so are you saying that buddypress has its own registration page? if so, its perhaps its not using the wp login/registration hooks? we use the standard wp hooks for registration to add the captcha to the form...
if you could look at the buddypress registration and see if it has any hooks, we could give you the needed code to implement, I believe...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks Mr Papa. This is what is see in my buddypress theme's register.php that displays the working SI captcha before the submit button.
<?php do_action( 'bp_after_blog_details_fields' ) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php do_action( 'bp_before_registration_submit_buttons' ) ?>
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="btn-gray" name="signup_submit" id="signup_submit" value="<?php _e( 'Complete Sign Up', 'indigo' ) ?>" />
sorry, thought you were not seeing the captcah??? here you said you see if before the submit button???
perhaps I have misunderstood, but can you explain further...
I need to run out for few hours so might be while before I can respond again...
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