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Conflict between TinyMCE with CKEditor or other Editor too.
Ruben Kalitzki
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 29, 2015 - 1:18 pm

Hi there, I already search in this forum like my issue but I don't get anything so that I need your help.

The sites at that use wordpress 4.1 with Avada themes.

Before we install Simple:Press into our sites, we already use CKEditor for comment editor. The issue appear when we already install "WYSIWYG Editor using TinyMCE" from this sites as the plugin on our forum page. And we can't use it, after I checked and I change our CKEditor to TinyMCE Visual Editor Comment. Before it, we already test the other TinyMCE plugins too. And we really happy because our forum could use properly. Unfortunately, we got new issue again in the comment. It's like for fullscreen feature from wordpress in the left on the below comment editor.

What should we do to fix this issue?

As additional, we want to change a little on our profile page. But, the first issue, we can integrate it to wordpress profile. If it can't, could we make a menu directly link to profile page on the forum?

For the other issue, could we split some fields of the profile into one or some groups, like favorite for hobby, music, food, etc and hardware for monitor, mouse, cpu?

And the last, why the other user can't receive or sent a message to the other user from "Private Messaging" plugin? It's only from admin user on the forum page.

Hopefully you could give me a good answer and we could fix this issue asap because we already stuck in these issue for 6 days after we buy a silver license from this site.


Many thanks for your next respond.



Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 29, 2015 - 4:06 pm

Ruben Kalitzki said
Before we install Simple:Press into our sites, we already use CKEditor for comment editor. The issue appear when we already install "WYSIWYG Editor using TinyMCE" from this sites as the plugin on our forum page. And we can't use it, after I checked and I change our CKEditor to TinyMCE Visual Editor Comment. Before it, we already test the other TinyMCE plugins too. And we really happy because our forum could use properly. Unfortunately, we got new issue again in the comment. It's like for fullscreen feature from wordpress in the left on the below comment editor. What should we do to fix this issue?

Are you sure that this has nothing to do with the changes that WordPress made to the use of the TinyMCE editor in version 4.0? A lot of TinyMCE add-on plugins stopped working as they should because they did not get updated to use V4 of TinyMCE as WordPress was now using?

It i also worth stating that Simple:Press does not load any TinyMCE  or forum components like this on your blog posts pages where comments are used. We could not effect this.

As additional, we want to change a little on our profile page. But, the first issue, we can integrate it to wordpress profile. If it can't, could we make a menu directly link to profile page on the forum?

Not sure what you mean by 'integrate to the WordPress profile'. Simple:Press profile already contains the important fields of data from the WP profile. I will need more information to fully understand what you are asking for please.

For the other issue, could we split some fields of the profile into one or some groups, like favorite for hobby, music, food, etc and hardware for monitor, mouse, cpu?

Simple:Press being template driven can be changed in any way that you like. So moving things around in the SP profile page or SP profile popup can be fairly easily achieved. Many of those items you mentioned however are not WP or SP standard profile fields so can I assume you are using some sort of third party profile add-on now.  And if so then it might depend on how that plugin stores its data.

And the last, why the other user can't receive or sent a message to the other user from "Private Messaging" plugin? It's only from admin user on the forum page.

 Private messaging needs a permission turning in for your users to use it so have you visited the permission section in the forum admin and turned on the use of PMs for the right sets?

Ruben Kalitzki
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 31, 2015 - 12:34 pm

Yellow Swordfish said
Are you sure that this has nothing to do with the changes that WordPress made to the use of the TinyMCE editor in version 4.0? A lot of TinyMCE add-on plugins stopped working as they should because they did not get updated to use V4 of TinyMCE as WordPress was now using?

It i also worth stating that Simple:Press does not load any TinyMCE  or forum components like this on your blog posts pages where comments are used. We could not effect this.

I'm sorry because I don't check with detail. Maybe this effected from CKEditor before we migrate to TinyMCE Advanced. After I check with detail, it's look the error on function.php at the themes. The codes like the below:

function rich_text_comment_form( $args ) {
    wp_editor( '', 'comment', array(
        'media_buttons' => true, // show insert/upload button(s) to users with permission
        'textarea_rows' => 10, // re-size text area
        'dfw' => true, // replace the default full screen with DFW (WordPress 3.4+)
        'tinymce' => array(
            'theme_advanced_buttons1' => 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,bullist,numlist,code,blockquote,link,unlink,outdent,indent,|,undo,redo,fullscreen',
            'theme_advanced_buttons2' => '', // 2nd row, if needed
            'theme_advanced_buttons3' => '', // 3rd row, if needed
            'theme_advanced_buttons4' => '' // 4th row, if needed
        'quicktags' => array('buttons' => 'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,close,fullscreen')
    ) );
    $args['comment_field'] = ob_get_clean();
    return $args;
function bbp_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) {
    $args['tinymce'] = true;
    return $args;
add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'bbp_enable_visual_editor' );

After I remove the code, the comment editor already back to default WP editor.

Not sure what you mean by 'integrate to the WordPress profile'. Simple:Press profile already contains the important fields of data from the WP profile. I will need more information to fully understand what you are asking for please.

Sorry, maybe I don't explain with detail. For the default profile on WP already done but we had add some fields too into WP profile from other plugins such as "Birthday" fields as the required when the user login into our site. But in Custom Profile Fields, we can't see the data already fill into the "Birthday" fields.

Simple:Press being template driven can be changed in any way that you like. So moving things around in the SP profile page or SP profile popup can be fairly easily achieved. Many of those items you mentioned however are not WP or SP standard profile fields so can I assume you are using some sort of third party profile add-on now.  And if so then it might depend on how that plugin stores its data.

For the menu that can directly go to Profile already done from Avada themes. So, I think for this issue is already done.

 Private messaging needs a permission turning in for your users to use it so have you visited the permission section in the forum admin and turned on the use of PMs for the right sets?

Thanks for your suggest, we can use it now.

Well, I have still some questions that I'm confused how to customize it.

  1. How can I make all the fields that I add from Custom Fields could be appear in the user profile page like "Member since", "Username", "First name" but only for fields that already fill by user?
  2. How can I remove the number post on the besides of administrator name in the footer? I just got this code but I can't seperate it like I want.
    sp_AdminsList('tagClass=spLeft spAdministrators', __sp('Administrators: '));

Many thanks for your respond.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 1, 2015 - 5:26 am

Editor: I am afraid that I am struggling to understand what your editor issue is all about. We do not load any TinyMCE editor components on non-forum based pages. Some available TinyMCE add-on plugins have still - as we understand it - not been properly updated to the latest version of TinyMCE that WordPress now uses. Some also assume, incorrectly, that the TinyMCE editor will only ever be used for blog posts and perhaps comments whereas it can be used anywhere - as we do for the forum. This means that some plugins will have a negative effect as they insist on loading incompatible components where they should not do so.

Profile Data: If, hat you are asking for, is to expose your own custom profile data onto the Simple:Press forum profile form then as long as the plugins you have been using to create this data comply with the WordPress profile data then you should be able to do so. Use our Custom Profile Field plugin and create a new profile field of EXACTLY the same name and type as the existing one, select the display placement and save.

Additional Questions: I am confused about the 'profile page' question. I thought you said you were using, by choice, the standard WordPress profile page? Is that not right? And are you asking for items to only be displayed if they have a value in them?

On the second question use this exactly as shown:

sp_AdminsList('tagClass=spLeft spAdministrators&postCount=0', __sp('Administrators: '));

That should do what you want.

Ruben Kalitzki
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 1, 2015 - 10:10 am

Hi, many thanks for your respond again. Yes, I know maybe there are some plugins has effect to WP. I'll fix it when there is issue in the site and maybe for the theme issue, I could ask the help from fusion-theme.

I'm glad with your answer for my second question because it's already done. We will discuss for the first question but maybe I'll add some attach make this question to be clear. I'm so sorry because my English isn't too good.

Let me explain as I want from the beginning. I already add some fields from "Profile Custom Fields" like this attach-1 and we could fill the fields from edit profile like this attach-2

We want the extra fields could appear at Viewing Profile like Username, First name as this attach-3 so the other user can see our profile too. And as you see, for some fields that still not fill like website, location, and biography and it doesn't appear on the viewing profile. And the question is, what the code should we add to spProfileShow.php like we want?

As additional, I already see the code at spProfileShow.php and I get this code (attach-4) for display the data into Viewing Profile. So, what should I add the code like we want?

Many thanks for your next respond.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 2, 2015 - 4:46 am

First of all - many apologies for the delay. We had a very busy weekend preparing and releasing 5.5.4.

OK - this seems a little complicated but it is mainly the way that the profile page is constructed and is earmarked for a revamp one day! Try using the following code block as a template for each custom profile field. Insert it where you want it - i.e., under 'website' or perhaps 'bio'. This example is for your 'gender' field.

echo '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileLeftCol">';
echo '<p class="spProfileLabel">Gender:</p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileSpacerCol"></div>';
echo '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileRightCol">';
echo '<p class="spProfileLabel">';
sp_CustomProfileFieldsDisplay('Gender', $spProfileUser->ID);
echo '</p></div>';

Note: Line 2 shows the label. Line 7 - the name of the custom field. Be very careful to get all of the quote marks correct! Use the Raw Code button and then copy fron the popup.

Let me know how you get on...

Ruben Kalitzki
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 2, 2015 - 11:28 am

Hi, many thanks for your respond again. We really glad because your code could work (attach-01) although I should change a little for the code to make like we want (attach-02). Unfortunately, the fields that hasn't data still appear (attach-03) so that the "Profile View" to be messed up (attach-04). As you see on the attach attach-02 (red line mark), the data not appear in "Profile View" Page because we don't fill it. That's like we want. Would you like let me know what should I add to the code again so that the fields doesn't has data not appear in "Profile View" (only the fields has data appear in "Profile View" Page).

Many thanks for your next respond again.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 2, 2015 - 12:58 pm

If you want to check if data is available to display then you should be able to use...

if ( ! empty( $spProfileUser->gender ) {
// do the dislay as there IS data

which is for your 'Gender' field but note it has to be the slug NOT the name.

However - looking at your code you did NOT use my coding so I don't know what might happen. I think you would be advised to use the method I posted above.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 2, 2015 - 1:01 pm

By the way - to find out all of the properties of the $spProfileUser object, go to the forum admin > toolbox > Data Inspector and turn on the option to view this object. When you then run the profile page you will see all of the available properties. Only you will be shown them.

Ruben Kalitzki
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 3, 2015 - 1:20 pm

Hi, many thanks for your respond and your code. We so really glad and we can design our profile like we want but we still have small some issue like 01-forum.

  1. It's look like the label with the data not straight (red line mark on the right images) although I already set the code like yours (on the left side). Would you like to help me solve this issue? What should I change for the code?
  2. How can we make the data on the Contact have hyperlink too (blue line mark on the right images)
  3. We really like the new version but I think we have a small issue. We can't click the menu./submenu in the admin section and you can see the link are same like the below text (red line mark on the left images).
  4. And the second issue is the radio button. The layout is very strange like 02-forum (red line mark on the left images).
  5. And the last, I'm still confused with the data "Birthday". I already write the code but it's not appear and as you see the image, we already input the data. Would you like help me how to solve it?

Many thanks for your next respond. I'm sorry if I'm always have issue for you about our site.

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