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I need some help adding a Custom Profile Field -
I added a field "Reviews" - this field is for adding links to reviews.
For the type I used "Textarea" and for Profile form for display I used "Edit Profile"
(see sp-customfields)
I added code to spProfileShow.php (see em-php1 line 44)
My problem is that it requires the user to paste html into the profile field if they want the lnk to work correctly.
Am I using the wrong setings in the Custom Profile Field setup or do I need additional code to set the field entry to work as a link with out requiring the user to past as html?
I hope my explanation make sense..
Thanks for any help!
Hey neto,
This issue was brought to our attention last month and has been fixed for version 5.5.5 which is planned for release sometime over the weekend. Hadn't actually tested it out myself so just now recreated your custom field down to the letter and it creates a link by simply typing the URL - I used
should be released this weekend...
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