Support Forum
I have extra profile fields in the regular WP user profile like "Company", "Country". These are all filled in for all users.
I have added these 2 fields as custom profile fields in SP (same name) but they are blank if SP profile.
It would be great if you could map a custom SP profile field to a WP custom profile field.
Or is it already possible? Maybe with some coding?
The pre-supplied WordPress profile fields are stored in the WP usermeta table with a simple data-name/data-value pairing.
Simple:Press custom fields are stored in exactly the same way and in the same table (using the slug as the data-name).
Therefore, if you create standard style fields outside of SP and then create SP fields with the same name/slug then you should be able to edit them in the SP profile panel selected and, using the available display tags, display them in the SP profile popup/page. Just make sure the slug matches the name of the field from the other source.
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