Support Forum
When I activate "TinyMCE Editor" all users get automatically this editor as default, although I have chosen "Plain text Editor" as the default editor...
How can I force the "Plain text Editor" to be the Default editor? Is this maybe a bug?
Thank you in advance.
Bedst regards
if you want to force tinymce, disable the other editors... and dont let them select... then they will get tinymce...
and adding in tinymce and setting it as default wont change anyones current selection.. that default will only matter for new users since existing users already have one selected...
it would be quite bad to change users editor behind their backs if you are letting them pick one...
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My problem: I can´t get tinymce to work in the current versions of Explorer browsers (java script error, and I don´t have the brain to fix it - (Working fine in Explorer 10 by the way:-)
Therefore I was forced to deactivate tinymce. But because tinymce is working fine in FF, GG & Explorer 10 I want to give the users the the possibility to select tinymce, but they have to do it by them self.
Yellow Swordfish said
Well you could start by telling us what the error details you see are exactly...
I have a screenshot in this thread:
Oh - I was expecting an actual script error.
Why don't you view the source code being generated on the forum page using IE. Search for .js and see if you notice any that look like they may be IE specific - maybe have IE in the file name or a comment with them stating they are for IE. You never know it is worth a look.