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Thanks for this Jim.
We will need to take a close look at this source code but at a quick first glance that link at the bottom is way, way outside of the delete button control which ends down there around line 6.
Curious. I know it can happen because it has happened to me although a long, long time ago.
Still - thanks, We will take a closer look at this source.
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jim, that last snippet you posted, was that with or without akismet? if with, has it ever happened without akismet?
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Mr Papa said
was that with or without akismet?
That was from our live site where Akismet is indeed still activated, via WPMS network activation. I'm still monitoring our test site where I have deactivated Akismet and will report back as soon as (if) it happens there.
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.
You know Jim - what would really be the most helpful thing would be a database dump of an affected post. This is difficult because you don't know its going to happen before you delete it and once it's deleted.... I spent hours months back looking closely at every spam post record just in case... and then deleting only to find it wasn't one it happened to!
Yellow Swordfish said
...what would really be the most helpful thing would be a database dump of an affected post.
I could do that. I have determined that redirection only occurs on spam posts if the status bar shows a link when hovering over the delete button. So...
- You need just an export of all rows for that specific post, right?
- Advise if any special export options are necessary.
Looking forward to helping figure this out!
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.
just an export of that single post row in the db would be good. That way we could copy the post content into a development system for testing and see exactly what is happening and try and resolve it. So - nothing special - just a single row export as a sql insert script.
The reason for a single row sql export is, of course, that just copying and pasting the text into an email would almost certainly fall foul of the email spam filters! Whereas you should be able to dump the row, zip it up and email it off intact.
This would be a great help if possible - thanks Jim
OK, just uploaded .zip file with two db row dumps for both you and Steve to test. See PM for details.
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.