Support Forum
what exactly would you like it to do??? there is already the post rating plugin which lets your rate a post thumb up or thumb down...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
what exactly would you like it to do??? there is already the post rating plugin which lets your rate a post thumb up or thumb down...
To do exactly what the thanks does, but say something like disagree. Sometimes you see something someone writes and you want to disagree, but not post about it, yet still let them know that you do. The thumb up/down is not sufficient.
so you want a completely separate section for people who disagree? one section for list of thanks and one section for list of disagree... and two buttons...
and then template tags for adding number of disagree reputation to members list, profile, user info and user stats... and then template tags for top disagrees...
that would be the same... just want to be sure before we try to work up a quote...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
so you want a completely separate section for people who disagree? one section for list of thanks and one section for list of disagree... and two buttons...and then template tags for adding number of disagree reputation to members list, profile, user info and user stats... and then template tags for top disagrees...
that would be the same... just want to be sure before we try to work up a quote...
Yes, exactly the same functionality.
okay, Thanksgiving weekend, so limited time, but will get you a quote before end of weekend...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World