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hey guys so i know that there is a cubepoints plugin for the forum and I have that installed but i was wondering, does anyone know how to make a persons cube points, or better yet their cube points rank, appear in the forum under the avatars?
I'm hoping to use them instead of forum ranks (my install utilizes buddypress so want use those to indicate cube point rank instead of number of posts as points award for positive interactions site wide)
there you go, its pretty simple and just allows you to set the point values manually throught he admin panel
okidoke, thanks :0)
I actually stumbled upon it by accident while looking around for something else related to cube points.
I figured that you may not know about it since it isnt your plugin but I figured that maybe someone here might have an idea so figured I would ask just in case
Sorry, not sure I understand the question... Yes, a user developed that during the SP 5.0 beta program... as far as I know its still works, but have not tried it lately...
Is there a specific question you have on it?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
does anyone know how to make a persons cube points, or better yet their cube points rank, appear in the forum under the avatars?
Was the question
Ie: the Display would become:
*Cube Points Rank*
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hope that clears things up
afraid I don't know how the plugin works... there is probably a template tag you would need to call in order for it to display the cube points rank... its possible that it could just force the output but that would be against how we designed the theme display to allow users to use template tags to display where they wanted...
if I get a change this weekend, maybe I can take a quick look...
have you even tried it?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World