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Hey guys
I've checked the codex, but couldn't find much info for this plugin. I installed the "Post Rating" plugin, which works absolutely like a charm on my site.
I have a question though. I would want to display the "Post Rating" on the post overview of each forum, so that the rating is visible to my users, even before they click on a thread.
Is that possible?
yes. you can use the template function:
to display the topic rating on the forum view page...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yes. you can use the template function:
to display the topic rating on the forum view page...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
When i look in spForumView.php, i have located the following:
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spRight&width=14%&height=50px');
sp_TopicIndexPostCount('tagClass=spInRowCount', __sp('Posts'));
sp_TopicIndexViewCount('tagClass=spInRowCount', __sp('Views'));
sp_TopicIndexStatusIcons('tagClass=spStatusIcon spCenter', __sp('This topic is locked'), __sp('This topic is pinned'), __sp('This topic has unread posts'));
if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexRating')) sp_TopicIndexRating('tagClass=spTopicRating spCenter');
Bear in mind that you are dealing with a coding imbecile here, but shouldn't the:
"if (function_exists('sp_TopicIndexRating')) sp_TopicIndexRating('tagClass=spTopicRating spCenter');"
make the index rating show?
I have this post which has 1 rating:
But when i look in the forum overview, no stars are displayed:
eh, this was broke recently... have fixed it up tonight and see about getting an update out this weekend... apologies...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World