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it actually works in any of our editors, including our tinymce editor plugin...
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I feel mislead.
The uploader plugin actually doesn't work INSIDE of the TinyMCE plugin. When you click on the image button in the TinyMCE toolbar, you get this:
With no way to select or upload an image.
Instead, you have to click "Attachments" underneath (outside!) the TinyMCE editor and use a process that is totally counter-intuitive, says nothing about inserting images into the post, and isn't obvious in its function!
I've been developing sites for a decade, and I'm pretty familiar with WYSIWIG editors, and from a user standpoint this makes no sense.
My clients and their site users are NOT going to understand this immediately and intuitively. It does not conform to normal editor usage or nomenclature. And anything that requires training to use is not really useful for new site users.
Now, I understand the need to isolate the WordPress media gallery from forum users, but surely there is a way to configure the SP TinyMCE editor so that one can upload and insert files using the image button in the toolbar?
If not, then I've wasted money and time on this plugin.
I don't believe you were in any way mislead. i rather think we rather just misunderstood your question.
I guess there are three separate prongs to this. But first the image button within the tinyMCE editor toolbar is the standard image button that Moxie supply for linking external images. Many users do restrict their own users to not having an upload option and thus this default button does exactly what they need. It can, of course, be removed in the editor options.
Many versions ago we used to code a third party uploader into the editor button - it can be done - but was fraught with problems, not least of which were security holes that were always virtually impossible to patch. While it was a pretty straightforward tool it still appeared to confuse some users and in the end it was deemed best to abandon it.
Moxie themselves do offer a plugin that can act as an uploader from within the editor in the style you appear to want. We did consider this but the last time we looked into it - it was rather expensive - far more expensive than our own plugins. But it is true that I have not looked recently. Nor have we ever tested it.
We settled on plUpload for a variety of reasons. Firstly it is the same tool that underpins the WordPress media uploading. We felt that if WP selected it then it was almost certainly secure and well supported. The second and main reason was that it comes from Moxie themselves. Now personally, I would have expected them to tie this in with an editor plugin but to date they do not seem to have done so. I assume this is because it would then be in direct competition with their paid-for option. If they do do this then I feel sure that we will want to make use of it.
I guess the only other thing I can add is that this is one of our top 5 plugins used by a very wide and rich variety of forums and users - and I don't recall anyone coming back and saying that they found it confusing - or that their users were confused by it. Most people seem to find the opposite in fact - that once they try it they find it pretty intuitive.
Actually, I will add that one thing we have not looked into - and this really is for the simple reason that nobody has ever raised this question - is having the image button on the TM toolbar open the plUpload drag and drop box. I might well investigate that now I think of it.