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hi, just posted a reply but it says its awaiting moderation so i decided to register instead 🙂
so i'm trying to import mingle into simple press, i've used the data from my wp-config.php for everything but the user table prefix which i'm either entering wrong or not got the correct one. i've checked in phpMyAdmin and found the database wp_users which once opened listed my registered users. however, putting this into the import program gives me the error:
"Error: Unable to query USERS using the db settings supplied"
feeling a bit lost 🙁
thanks for reply.
please be patient with me as my database knowledge is quite limited. my prefix for my user table is "wp_users" as I said before, however having put this into the "Wordpress User Table Prefix:" brings up the error I mentioned before. could you tell me step by step what I should be doing?
there is help in the plugin...
but basically, look in your db for smf... what does every table start with? kind of like, by default, wp tables start with wp_
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