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I received the following warning. How do I restore my database to an earlier version?
I am not technical so appreciate the instruction!
Downgrade Warning
It appears you are attempting to downgrade your Simple:Press Version. The Build or Version number in the sp-control.php file is lower than the currently installed version in the database.
You must restore your database to this earlier version before you can continue. You cannot simply downgrade Simple:Press files as the database has been upgraded beyond the version you are attempting to downgrade to and may cause irreparable damage to the database.
It might simply be because you are allowing notices and warnings (and probably errors) to be displayed on the screen. This really is a very bad thing to do and not recommended by anyone. I would personally ask your host to put in place the recommended error log file, remove from the display and then see if the upgrade goes through.
I just made all the updates available for and received the same warning.
It appears you are attempting to downgrade your Simple:Press Version. The Build or Version number in the sp-control.php file is lower than the currently installed version in the database.
You must restore your database to this earlier version before you can continue. You cannot simply downgrade Simple:Press files as the database has been upgraded beyond the version you are attempting to downgrade to and may cause irreparable damage to the database.
I don't want to downgrade, simply upgrade the database as I'm being directed to.

What should I do now?
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
not sure what you are saying... are you trying to go down a version or upgrade?
if upgrade, go to the wp updater and update simple press if one available... if not, does the forum admin menu now consist of an upgrade link?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I always update never downgrade. I did all the updates and I received the warning that I pasted in the above post:
Sorry, the forum is temporarily unavailable while it is being upgraded to a new version.
After clicking on the link to perform the upgrade I get the following message:
It appears you are attempting to downgrade your Simple:Press Version. The Build or Version number in the sp-control.php file is lower than the currently installed version in the database.
You must restore your database to this earlier version before you can continue. You cannot simply downgrade Simple:Press files as the database has been upgraded beyond the version you are attempting to downgrade to and may cause irreparable damage to the database.
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
so in wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-control.php, what is the version listed?
also, please check your db, the sfoptions table for option name of sfversion, what does it have?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Version: 5.5.2
Looks like 5.5.3
Rows | option_value |
16 | |
10 | 1 |
1 | 10 |
1 | 12 |
1 | 12017 |
1 | 12176 |
1 | 200 |
1 | 2014-12-26 03:36:27 |
1 | 3600 |
1 | 5.5.3 |
1 | 50 |
2 | a:0:{} |
1 | a:11:{s:13:"sfshowavatars";b:1;s:15:"sfavataruploa... |
1 | a:11:{s:5:"email";b:1;s:3:"max";s:1:"0";s:13:"maxr... |
1 | a:12:{s:7:"dayflag";s:1:"1";s:8:"hourflag";i:0;s:9... |
1 | a:14:{s:10:"nameformat";i:1;s:11:"displaymode";i:1... |
1 | a:16:{s:16:"css-sp-admin-bar";a:2:{s:8:"modified";... |
1 | a:16:{s:16:"css-sp-admin-bar";a:2:{s:8:"modified";... |
1 | a:16:{s:3:"ver";a:1:{s:3:"all";i:46;}s:16:"css-sp-... |
1 | a:16:{s:7:"avatars";s:26:"sp-resources/forum-avata... |
1 | a:17:{s:11:"sflinkabove";b:0;s:12:"sflinksingle";b... |
1 | a:18:{s:6:"global";a:54:{i:1;i:1;i:2;i:0;i:3;i:0;i... |
1 | a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:7:"user_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"display_... |
1 | a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:12:"usergroup_id";s:1:"1";s:14:"us... |
1 | a:1:{s:9:"dbversion";i:0;} |
"The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least."
Learn to Play Violin for Free -
so your database is at 5.5.3, but the software version on the server is 5.5.2... hence the downgrade statement...
please download 5.5.3 version and upload to your server...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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