Support Forum
Here is my code for the timezone (that has issues being displayed with correct timezone:
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPlainSection timezoneinfo', 'adminstuff2'); echo ' <p><span class="interface-note">Please note that the forum timezone is:</span> <strong>' . sp_ForumTimeZone('echo=0&get=1') . '</strong><span class="interface-note"> ~ Your timezone is:</span> <strong>' . sp_UserTimeZone('echo=0&get=1') . '</strong></p>'; sp_SectionEnd('', 'adminstuff2');
Using UTC timezones is WordPress is a really bad idea. They really only support them for backwards compatibility to the days when php had pretty bad timezone support. I have argued that they should nopt even do this. It is not well supported.
Please see this FAQ for how this works and what you should be doing. Note we also have a plugin available that adds the timezone selection to the wp registration form so new users are encouraged to get it right.
I can't say that I agree with you on the relevance of showing the users timezone only if different but that;'s your call. If you add the 'get' argument to your code then it should work.