Support Forum

Since a couple of months ago the Editor TinyMCE Rich Text isn't working (the plain text editor works fine).
I've attached a picture so you can see what's happening, but basically the editor doesn't load. I've updated everything, and I've tried it with the default wordpress theme, and with all other plugins (wordpress and simple press) deactivated... no change.
Any idea what I can do to fix this?
a couple of months ago? as in when you did a WP update? a couple of wp versions ago, they drastically changed how tinymce worked in WP... many themes and plugins still have not updated to be compatible... but if you have tried it with default wp theme and all other wp plugins disabled, may not be it...
I assume you are using wp 4.1, sp 5.5.3 and the latest sp plugins including our tinymce plugin? can you confirm the versions?
no caching plugins that cache the wp page the forum is on, right?
also a link to your site would help look for other potential issues...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Yes, all latest. I'm not sure when the problem started exactly. Just one day a member emailed me to say it wasn't working - that's the first time I noticed.
As for caching, I use WPengine as my host, which has built in caching. However they have a "staging area" for testing and the like (it's an exact duplicate of my site) that has no caching (and yes, the problem is the same).
Here's a link to my staging site with TinyMCE editor activated:
u: tempadm
p: #**tempadm**#

Not wanting to sound like I am doubting you but we know from experience then when people say they deactivated all their WP plugins they sometimes left a few active thinking they were not relevant. So I really do just want to double check here.
I count at least 4 plugins that add buttons and functionality to the TinyMCE editor. 'Filebase', 'Shortcodes', 'Post List', 'Geo Target'. There may be others... I just want to be 100% sure that these have been deactivated completely for testing the editr in the forum.
Oh - and at least one of those plugins has an update available.

No problem.
Here's a link to the forum on my staging site, all plugins apart from Simple Press and Tiny MCE editor are disabled, default wordpress theme is activated:
There are two plugins that aren't the latest version. That's because they're actually customised plugins, and upgrading would lose the added functionality (they're both deactivated now, and I've had the problem since before using them).
I dont see any sp plugins active... so is our tinymce plugin active? might just be because we dont have post permissions...
can you create us a temp account there so we can have a look around? if so, please pm the details to yellow swordfish, mr papa and ike... link back to this topic so we know what its about...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Only Tiny MCE is active. I disabled everything else.
There are temp admin details above, but here they are again:
u: tempadm
p: #**tempadm**#
You should be able to access simple press as an admin with that account, too (this only works on my staging site, so I don't mind putting it here).
ah, sorry missed em... will look around, first thing that jumps out is:
Failed to load:
that plugin happens to have a known conflict with simple press... they incorrectly add stuff to the wp tinymce editor which breaks its usage on the front end... we have shared a simple fix with them, but no joy...
so is that plugin really disabled...
looking around now...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
and something is still trying to load the wishlist tags plugin... causing problems (hint: look for wltags)...
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