Support Forum
I installed and activated the Post by Email plugin, created the necessary email accounts, configured the Options > Email Settings and gave my users permission to create new topics and reply by email. I was able to create a new topic by sending an email to one of my new forum email addresses. I was also able to reply to an email received as a result of a subscription to a forum, and the reply was successfully posted to the forum.
However, I discovered a nasty side effect of having the Post by Email plugin running. When I try to create a new forum topic directly on the website, the web page goes blank and the following list of errors appears:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for sp_emailpost_replyto() in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/problem-with-post-edit-buttonmacwrks/public_html/ on line 197
...... this line repeated 14 times ......
Warning: Missing argument 2 for sp_emailpost_replyto() in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/problem-with-post-edit-buttonmacwrks/public_html/ on line 197
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/problem-with-post-edit-buttonmacwrks/public_html/ in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/problem-with-post-edit-buttonmacwrks/public_html/ on line 876
This happened several times. If I click the browser back button, the site reappears and everything is fine. It even posted my new topic to the forum. This would obviously freak out my users so I disabled the Post by Email plugin. How can I fix this issue?
That doesn't really make a lot of sense! Can you try something for me as a quick test? Could you activate the Post By Email plugin but deactivate the Subscriptions plugin and then see if you get the same result?
As a general rule, php recommends that production - i.e. live - sites do not display 'Warnings' (as per the above) and 'Notices' to the screen. Firstly it frightens people! and secondly it reveals the path of your site on your server.
I would seriously consider asking your host why you are seeing these and if they can be turned off - it is an edit to the php ini file in the server. And the same warning/notice information is available in the error log after all.
Your suspicion was correct. It seems to be an interaction between Post by Email and Subscriptions. I activated PbE and deactivated Subs and the errors did not appear when I posted a new topic to the forum. However, when I reactivated Subs and posted a new topic I got the same error messages.
My site is hosted on HostGator. They have a PHP QuickConfig in cPanel. I looked there and found a setting for "display_errors" which was on. I turned this off and tried posting a topic with both plugins enabled and did not see the warning messages.
thanks for the update - not sure why many sites default to those errors displayed - should only be on dev sites not production...
will let Andy follow up where he was going with the order tomorrow...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I had posted this comment by accident on another thread regarding issues with the Template Tags plugin.
I have a new development related to this issue. Since I deactivated Subscriptions to do the test you requested and turned it back on, now the Forum Subscriptions button is not appearing in the user Profile under the Subscriptions tab. How do I get this back?
However, I have now resolved this by turning off users ability to subscribe to forums, then turning it back on.
I am still having problems getting Post by Email working. I posted a message directly on one of my forums asking members to test the PbE function. Below is how the message looked on my test user account, which is subscribed to the forum. The instruction lines at the beginning and end are repeated 17 times.
Also, the reply to address of the email is my site admin address, not the address I set up for PbE replies to the forum. So the replies are coming directly to me, not the forum!
I thought I had carefully followed all the instructions for configuring PbE, but if it's working for others, I must have missed something.
Crescent City Cyclists <>
To: Dave Hughes <>
Forum Post - Crescent City Cyclists: [Need help testing Post by Email feature][-- To reply by email insert your text above this line - instructions below --]
[-- To reply by email insert your text above this line - instructions below --]
*(repeated a total of 17 times)
*[-- To reply by email insert your text above this line - instructions below --]
New post on a forum or topic you are subscribed to at Crescent City Cyclists:
From: Webmaster
Group: Forum Categories
Forum: CCC Website
Topic: Need help testing Post by Email feature
OK, I have the Post by Email plugin installed and configured. It seems to be working, but I need some other members to test it to be sure. If you are subscribed to this forum you should receive an email notification of this post. Try posting a reply by following the instructions in the notification email. The website only checks for incoming email every ten minutes so it may take that long before your reply appears on the forum.You can also try posting a new topic to this forum category by sending an email message to:
To unsubscribe, please visit your profile:
* To post a reply by email * - please remove all old text from ABOVE the insert line at the top and enter your plain text reply above it. Do not remove ANY of this email text. Please remember that your reply may not appear immediately in the forum
* To start a new topic in this forum * - send your email to The subject name will become the new topic title
* To post a reply by email * - please remove all old text from ABOVE the insert line at the top and enter your plain text reply above it. Do not remove ANY of this email text. Please remember that your reply may not appear immediately in the forum
* To start a new topic in this forum * - send your email to The subject name will become the new topic title
*(repeated a total of 17 times)
** To post a reply by email * - please remove all old text from ABOVE the insert line at the top and enter your plain text reply above it. Do not remove ANY of this email text. Please remember that your reply may not appear immediately in the forum
* To start a new topic in this forum * - send your email to The subject name will become the new topic title
I am going to skip over this last post for a bit and go back to where we were.
There is actually a small bug in the Subscriptions plugin (which was the cause of the screen errors) which requires a small code edit to bot that and to the Post By Email plugin.
I can give you details of these small changes if you are happy to make then - or - we will hopefully be getting an official update out of the door pretty soon. Which would you prefer?
It seems to me the repeating lines in the emails might be related to the repeating errors I was seeing before turning off the display errors flag in php.
Please send the changes to the plugin files as I would like to get this working ASAP since my membership is waiting for it. But what about the fact that the reply to address in the subscription emails is NOT the forum's PbyE address? Will this also be fixed by the patches?
see this post for quick fix:
and look at post #18 too (20 was an update)...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I read that entire thread to help me understand the context of the changes, but I was unable to follow your instructions.
leave it me to type it in a rush as I had to run… what I wanted you to enter is
add_filter('sph_subscriptions_email_replyto', 'sp_emailpost_replyto', 1, 2);
When I looked in the sp-email-post-plugin.php file, that line was already there.
but that wont be enough since it expects two args… you would need to also edit subscriptions… find
$replyto = apply_filters('sph_subscriptions_email_replyto', '');
and change to
$replyto = apply_filters('sph_subscriptions_email_replyto', '', $newpost);
I was unable to find that line in sp-subscriptions-plugin.php. If that's not the correct file, where should I be looking?