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so did that help? turning off the combined css?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I thought it could work fine without having to turn off the combined CSS caching option, but just recently my background turned black again when I was logged in this time. But when I logged out of wordpress, it turned white (opposite of what happened earlier). So I turned off just the CSS combined caching option, and the background turned white again (for both scenarios - login and logout).
Should I also turn off the combining and caching of JS files option too? Is there any drawbacks to keeping both of these options turned off?
just some performance... more http requests - one per css file instead of one for all... its best to leave both on... but if for some reason having css issue, try just turning that one off...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I answered your question previously btw in post #10
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Okay, I'll leave the combined JS file option turned on then. Do you know what is the cause for the white forum background to turn black? Since you said it's better to leave both of those options on, I think there must be a way for me to leave both of them on without having to worry about the background changing color on me.
No, not really... do you have any plugin that is customizing the login page? they often get greedy and change the background for any page has a login form on them...
you might turn off the captcha plugin and see if that helps with the background and combined css cache... I did just fix an issue in how it was adding stuff to the combined cache... but havent seen it have that kind of effect...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I don't have the captcha plugin installed. I actually deleted it yesterday after noticing the problem, along with a dozen other plugins. Right now I have the following plugins activated:
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Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
think I might have mis posted... helping two others right now and think I mixed topics... sorry...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
but question about customizing the login form still holds...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World