Support Forum
The File Uploader plug-in is causing a conflict with the TinyMCE Editor plug-in on my website.
The issue:
On touch screen devices I can't focus the textarea again after closing the keyboard. This works perfectly with the file uploader plug-in disabled but when it is enabled again I can't regain focus of the text area.
Is there a way to fix this conflict? Can I disable the file uploader just for touch screen devices? (phones and tablets)
Thanks in advance
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I have a responsive theme but I have tried this with the Twenty Fourteen theme too and it's the same issue. The only thing that fixes my textarea focus is disabling the file uploader plug-in.
I'm also using the Unified theme with the minimalistic color scheme.
It might be connected to the file uploader not working but I have no idea what would be causing that.
It's a very strange issue as I know it works on your forums.
are you getting any errors in the php error log?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
have you tried with multiple devices? or just one? wondering if specific one...
do you have link to site? can guests post?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I've tested on an iPhone 5S and iPad, both physical devices and I've used the iOS simulators.
i don't have any android phones so I have no idea if they have the same issues.
ive noticed I can't use the file uploaded on this forum either on my phone.
as it's not that important on mobile, is there a way I could disable it completely just for mobile phones and tablets?
I will set up an account tomorrow if you want to test, currently 3am here trying to fix it so going to call it a night
We have tested here with multiple versions of iPad and iPhones... And other phones and tablets too... Cant say when last time was though not too long ago... The post made above was an android phone...
There is not an option to turn off on mobile devices... But, I believe it can be done via a filter... Not at computer currently (lol, on phone)... But will research and see...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
something like this should do the trick and might be overkill, but give it a try...
add_filter('sph_setup_forum', 'my_mobile_check'); function my_mobile_check() { global $spMobile, $spDevice; remove_filter('sph_topic_editor_toolbar_buttons', 'sp_plupload_editor_button', 5, 4); remove_filter('sph_post_editor_toolbar_buttons', 'sp_plupload_editor_button', 5, 4); remove_filter('sph_pm_editor_toolbar_buttons', 'sp_plupload_pm_editor_button', 5, 2); remove_filter('sph_topic_editor_footer_top', 'sp_plupload_uploader_form', 10, 3); remove_filter('sph_post_editor_footer_top', 'sp_plupload_uploader_form', 10, 3); remove_filter('sph_post_edit_footer_top', 'sp_plupload_uploader_edit_form', 10, 4); remove_filter('sph_pm_editor_toolbar', 'sp_plupload_uploader_pm_form', 10, 2); remove_filter('sph_SignaturesFormBottom', 'sp_plupload_uploader_sig_form', 10, 2); }
now you will want to add in some checks before doing the 'remove'... $spMobile will be true for tablets or phones... or you can check $spDevice which could be 'desktop', 'tablet' or 'phone'...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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