Support Forum
I have the File Uploader Plugin (downloaded from the SP5 Download page) installed, but I'm not seeing the Browse and Upload areas like in the old 4.x.x version (Upload tab, then select files, then Upload; After upload, click on Browse tab to preview images and select the one for insertion). I can't browse my uploaded files, I can't upload. I can only insert, but since I can't select a file, I can't insert either.
Is there a updated version of this plugin that works? Or is there something I'm missing (like: the plugin isn't finished but I didn't know)?
Also I noticed a "Attachments" section when I start a new topic. But after creating the topic and going back in to edit the topic original post, that "Attachments" section is no longer there. Any way to bring it back?
right below the post content editing area is an upload attachments button... that is how you upload images, media or files depending on your settings...
by design, the uploader is not available during an edit...
but if folks thought it was important to have there, we could consider such a change...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
right below the post content editing area is an upload attachments button... that is how you upload images, media or files depending on your settings...
by design, the uploader is not available during an edit...
but if folks thought it was important to have there, we could consider such a change...
I would love to have the uploader still in during an edit. Often times, I'm editing a post and changing a image but need to upload a new image in order to insert it.
What about preview? A lot times with images, I need to see what the image is before I know which one is the right one. File names alone cannot tell me what I need to visually see.
Given the image uploader is now below the text area, there's a disconnect between the pop-up of the old forums and this new V5. I mean that if I want to insert a new image, I'd have to hit the "Upload Attachments" button, upload my images, then click on the Image Icon, then select it based on image file name (no preview available), then click "Insert". It's very confusing given other forum systems would use the new uploader area as a way to attach files for download, not as the uploader to attach images and other media.
Is there any way of bringing the uploader back up into the pop-up or fixing the design so there isn't such a huge disconnect between upload and insertion of media?
lol. you have to be the first person to like the old uploader. It was the most criticized and hated 'feature' in simple press... and the source of multiple security holes... guess this just goes to show you cant win them all during our alpha phase, we got very high marks for the uploader...
other forum apps that I am aware of like vbulletin, phpbb and smf do it similar to how we have changed to... so a bit confused by the other forum systems reference... maybe they have addons or plugins that do what you say??
there is 0% chance we will bring back the old file uploader... too many things wrong with it...
but with a plugin system in place for sp 5.0, another type of uploader is certainly a possibility if anyone wants to take it on...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
lol. you have to be the first person to like the old uploader. It was the most criticized and hated 'feature' in simple press... and the source of multiple security holes... guess this just goes to show you cant win them all
during our alpha phase, we got very high marks for the uploader...
other forum apps that I am aware of like vbulletin, phpbb and smf do it similar to how we have changed to... so a bit confused by the other forum systems reference... maybe they have addons or plugins that do what you say??
there is 0% chance we will bring back the old file uploader... too many things wrong with it...
but with a plugin system in place for sp 5.0, another type of uploader is certainly a possibility if anyone wants to take it on...
Hmm, guess, it's that I've gotten used to the old uploader.
Other forums systems would indeed be vB and phpBB, etc. Our old forums used to be phpBB3, and the attachments section under the textarea would be for attaching files to download. Once you uploaded the files and attached them, you could type out what you want the links to say, and they would show up under your post as "files" with links where by you clicked on one to download them to your desktop. If you wanted to insert a image or media item, it would bring up a pop-up (much like vB's) and allowed you to upload from your computer or a URL after you clicked on the proper icon in the editor bar.
With the few vB forums I visit and use (version 4.1.7), click on the image icon or other media icon, you get a jQuery pop-up that gives you two tabs, one for uploading a file from your computer and the other from a URL.
That's what I'm used to seeing. Maybe it's just me (haven't polled my own site users yet), but it seems confusing the way it is now. If everything was presented in one place (pop-up or below the textarea), it would seem better to me.
Mr Papa said
by design, the uploader is not available during an edit...
but if folks thought it was important to have there, we could consider such a change...
I would vote to have it available for an edit. Mistakes happen and it would be nice to have the ability to remove/change an accidental upload.
a couple of points...
its an uploader... so if it was made available on an edit, you would be able to upload new images, media or files... you would NOT be able to edit or delete already existing uploads... what would you edit on the upload anyways???
if you want to delete an upload, you don't need to edit the post to do that, you can remove the attachment from the forum tools - much easier than editing the post...
so to be clear, if the uploader was shown when editing a post, it would allow you to add uploads only...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
a couple of points...
its an uploader... so if it was made available on an edit, you would be able to upload new images, media or files... you would NOT be able to edit or delete already existing uploads... what would you edit on the upload anyways???
if you want to delete an upload, you don't need to edit the post to do that, you can remove the attachment from the forum tools - much easier than editing the post...
so to be clear, if the uploader was shown when editing a post, it would allow you to add uploads only...
I think we understand that the uploader wouldn't exist so we could "edit" the attachment. Rather, it would allow us to upload the right file, then remove the wrong file, then insert the right one in it's place.
At this point, I just want a image preview that lets us see what file we're about to select for insertion.
so what kind of machine do you use?? pc, mac, other?? and what browser? what uploader runtime is being used (hover over the + icon next to Select files text in header)?
asking because when I want to upload, I already get a preview of the image... I select Add Files... and I get a popup browser... I am on PC, but the browser is a 3 column browser... left column is list of directories... middle column is files in that directory... right column is a preview of the selected file... so when I select an image, I get a preview of that image in the right column...
so bottom line... the image preview is already there... at least on PC...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I vote to add the image uploading part of the edit page.
We have members who are unable to resize their images, so they send them to me, I resize and add the image to their posts. Not being able to do that is going to cause me additional problems.
Also we have diary type posts that are updated over time, and being able to add images during the edit is is necessary. Not having it is going to mean we need to figure out an entirely new way to keep everything together.
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