Support Forum
Hi guys,
I've recently installed the picture uploader plugin version 2.0.2 into my forum but am having a bit of a problem with it. When I try to attach a photo I can click on "Add Files" but when I try to click on "Start Upload" nothing happens.
All I get is the hover message "using runtime: html5"
I am currently running my Wordpress website via the Pagelines theme if that information can help you guys in anyway.
Thanks in advance for your assistance team.
extremely common? nope... many tens of thousands of downloads of it and maybe a dozen issues - all related to improper wp themes or plugins...
do you have a link to your site?
usually comes down to a js/jquery conflict:
which browser? and have you tried another? just as another data point...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
the website is
And yes, I've read the js/jquery conflict article. It hasn't resolved anything since I am not familiar with coding.
I tried using the uploader on both Chrome and Firefox and both are facing the same issue.
thanks for your time.
PageLines loads up the BootStrap javascript library which is incompatible with the jQuery and jQuery Ui that is supplied and used by WordPress. The PageLines guys seem to think this is OK. We feel that any theme should adopt and abide by the WordPress standards. BootStrap does not. It means that some Ui components that are under the control of the jQuery Ui are effectively disabled. The Uploader buttons fall into this category.
This thread does seem to give a solution by it's end however:
You mean this code that i'm supposed to input into my functions.php?
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'deregister_pl_bootstrap', 100); function deregister_pl_bootstrap() { if(sp_is_forumpage()) { wp_dequeue_script('pagelines-bootstrap-all'); } } Yup I tried that too and am trying it again right now and it is still giving me the same flattened Bootstrap look on the "start upload button". I also see that the following solution in that same thread had user "Olivier Duong" suggesting to use:
I just tried the above code:
not sure I follow...
// some logic needs to check if your in the forums!!
is code... but a comment... but wont hurt if not there... comment was just that this wil occur on all pages unless a check is made to see if on the forum page... the first code example has the check...
on your site, bootstrap is still being loaded... did you remove it?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World