Support Forum
I just upgraded and I have to say you guys did an awesome job. upgrade was smooth as silk, and its fast, fast, fast. one issue i have noticed however. The google sitemap plugin you develped is designed to work with a wordpress plugin (by ARne) that does not do multisite. This means that anybody with a multisite installation can't exploit that plugin.
Google Sitemap v1.0.2
Works in conjunction with the Google XML Sitemap plugin by Arne Brachhold
Yellow Swordfish said
is that right? So we need a volunteer to write up an MS one? Any takers?
actually, i did a bit of digging. the plugin works with the Beta version of Google XML sitemaps (same author). maybe just put a note in the plugin that if you're running multisite, DL and install
instead of the other version.
I am running multisite + buddypress and sitemap is unable to generate. The following is output using the debug function of the sitemap plugin;
Sitemap Content and Errors, Warnings, Notices
Sitemap: misc/(No parameters) by GoogleSitemapGeneratorStandardBuilder
Notice: Undefined index: class in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/efl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/sitemap-core.php on line 1496
line 1496 in the sitemap-core.php is :
if($b["class"] != __CLASS__) {
Only simplepress urls generate the above error so i am asking it here.
Anyone? thanks.
This is not a simple press issue. But I believe to work with multisite, there is a special version of Arne's plugin that you have to download.
> Simple:Press Support > Friday, October 05, 2012 11:25 PM > >
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, but its still an issue with that plugin... next step is to take it up with them... sorry, dont know their plugin very well...
have not heard any issue of sp and Arne's plugin (google xml sitemap) not working great together...
what have you set as the sp sitemap options?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
in the xml sitemap support? was the other report regarding sp too?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World